Diary of Midland Settlement

June 22, 1936 - December 2, 1937

The Diary of Midland Settlement provides insight into the development of this community under the Commission of Government in 1936.  It was primarily written by Roy Thistle, Engineer, and Jack Dawson, Manager, of the land settlement appointed by the Government.

June 1936

Midland Begins

Monday, June 22, 1936

Pasadena [1]. Arrived here at 2:30am in the downpour of rain. Took Shelter in an old shack by the railway and met Thistle [2]. At daylight got camps up by the Ry [3] and started shifting freight from car. Rained all morning. In the afternoon the tractor going and shifted the fright back in valley. As usual we were delayed by incompetence from St. John’s, i.e., No tractor driver.

God’s own country but for the rain when we arrived. Great possibilities for farming. Very glad that I came over here and hope to stay for some time to come.

Main topics of conversation to-day are flies and bears. Mr. Earle makes himself popular with the boys. Hired A. B. Butt for a tractor driver to be sent out as soon as possible. Jim Bishop made cook – what a man!

Tuesday, June 23, 1936

Breakfast at 4:45 and spent the day hauling freight and pitching camp near “Camp7” [4]. All hands worked hard and late. Eating very little though, this being due to unsettled hours and to having no place fixed.

Wednesday, June 24, 1936

Another fine day. Tractor hauling fright. Bennett [5] and Bonia [6] fixed up old log cabin as a barn for the horses. The horses (6) which had been stored in the Company’s [7] stable at South Brook since Saturday were taken over. The cook-camp and sleep quarters fixed up properly. The following arrived on the Express, King [8], Bonnell [9], Wagg [10], Hillier [11], Foot [12], and Hodder [13]. Wired A.B. Butt that tractor-driver was not needed.

Thursday, June 25, 1936

Hauled one load of fright and commenced to clear land around the camp-site. Did not make much progress as it rained all day. Between showers improved camp site as much as possible. Mr. Parsons, the Company’s surveyor, came over in the morning and we discussed with him the laying out of our-boundaries. After dinner, Mr. Parsons [14], Dawson [15] and Thistle walked over a considerable portion of property area and found it disappointing. Mr. Parsons advised that we cross the Blue Gulch river.

Friday, June 26, 1936

Commenced to clear land using four horses and tractor. The four horses worked wonderfully well. The horses not in use were the grey mare and the small dark one. The trees were very easily felled but there being much slash and learners, the progress was retarded somewhat. Max Feaver [16] went to South Brook with the mail and ordered fresh meat fox Sunday’s dinner from Goodyear, Deer Lake, which arrived on #1 Express. Joe Whalen and Thistle cruised over the Eastern section of the land and reported it to be good arable land though it would require much labor to clean up. Weather fine all day but few showers towards evening. Peter Bonia sick in camp, with temperature.

Saturday, June 27, 1936

Continued working on land, clearing around camp site to form a fire break. Progress very satisfactory considering the state of land. The men worked very hard and seemed to take a great interest in their work. Received through mail from Mr. Parsons, Company’s surveyor, a plan of land of proposed areas which will be very useful to us. Was in contact with Mr. Parsons by telephone from L.B. Bonia [17] out to work to-day. He doesn’t look so well. Weather fine.

Sunday, June 28, 1936

Weather fine all day but thunder storm at night. Jack Dawson and Roy Thistle fixed greaser which had come apart. Mr. Parsons, Jack Dawson and Roy Thistle cruised over land of proposed area. Things looked pretty promising. Visited by Mr. Bethune, agriculture expert in this district.

Monday, June 29, 1936

Sunday night Feaver and Dawson visited Earles [18]. Returned home in a raging storm – thunder and lightning. Storm continued all night. 1:00 am Roy went South Brook to meet two men who arrived on train. Rained all this morning. Too wet to work. Clearing with some of the men. Roy hauled freight that afternoon and night from Pasadena. Interviewed Dawe [19] at night re. construction of bunk-house. Starting tomorrow to put in road. Charles Ross and Percy Moulton of Burin arrived last night.

Tuesday, June 30, 1936

Raining in morning. Roy cut a line through property today, approximately 1950 feet from Earles bdy [20]. Men clearing around camp today. Ross shoed 4 horses today. Everything O.K. Trying to break in tractor driver and teamsters.

July 1936

Wednesday, July 1, 1936

A bit wet at night and cold as —–. Men clearing around camp again today. Roy to J.P. in morning to contact Parsons (I.P.&P) [21] and Harnett (Highroads). I need a mechanic to overhaul tractor. Working day and night. Almost too much for staff. Roy cut through line again today and we are trying to locate road. Now 11:00pm.

Thursday, July 2, 1936

A very fine day, bit too warm for comfort. Commenced to clear road, line bearing S^ 30’ East of North and approximately 1100 feet from L. Earle’s bdy. Peter and Sam [22] cut approx. 100 “shores” for buildings, which was better than we had figured on. Commenced hauling lumber for bunk-house, using three horses and tractor. Interviewed Dawe re contract prices for buildings. Wired Gill [23] to rush 8 men. As usual bed at 12.

Friday, July 3, 1936

Fine day, progress on road satisfactory but handicapped by shortage of men. Wired Gill again. Fished hauling lumber for bunk-house and hauled the three box carts which arrived on to-day’s Freight. Alemite greaser giving trouble. New washers ordered.

Saturday, July 4, 1936

Work on the road continued. Line cut through from brook [24] to South Brook, and from the brook east about 1000’. Between the brook and South Brook (dist. 2000’) now passable for tractor. Peter and Pat working on the bridge, have all the stock on hand and two sets of piers driven, one on each side of the brook. Borrowed bag of 6” nails and some iron from the highways for the bridge. Sent out for a pork barrel from Earle to make washing tubs for the men. Weather very nice.

Sunday, July 5, 1936

Very quiet today. A few showers in the morning, but cleared up towards dinner. William Walsh arrived on the Flyer.

Monday, July 6, 1936

Weather very fine and warm. Work still continued on the road, line cut through 400’ of Blue Ball.

Bridge just about finished, a wonderful strong construction. Dawe sent in one man to commence the bunk-house, disappointing to us. We had expected Dawe to commence last Friday. “Bill Walsh’s” first day at camp, he appears to be a good worker. Jim Bishop hauled rock from “Greening’s Farm” [25] all day for foundation of store. Max [26], Jack and Roy had first dip in South Brook. Water cool but very refreshing, also flies very numerous. Camp visited this evening by Mr. Gale of the highroads.

Tuesday, July 7, 1936

Jim hauled rock from Greening’s for store, the rest working on the road. The bridge was finished today, and is a good solid job. Absalom [27] and Bill [28] working on both sides of bridge filling and grading Should make a good job when finished.

Weather fine all day, but turned dull towards evening.

Wednesday, July 8, 1936

Rained hard all night, woods too wet to go ahead with the road, the men gave that part of it done the once over. Staked out boundaries between South Brook and Camp 7.

Weather which was doubtful in the morning, turned fine towards evening. The power-take-off in the tractor received a blow – nobody’s fault, and was only to be expected. Have been trying to get hold of Harnett the past two weeks to overhaul the tractor. Mail-day, what fun!!

Thursday, July 9, 1936

Weather very fine to-day. Bennett, Bonia, Kelloway and Whalen cutting posts. Have decided not to put the store on a concrete foundation but to use juniper posts. The rest of the men on the road. Jim finished hauling rock for the store. This rock will now be used for the school. Staked off boundaries between Camp 7 and Blue Gulch. Picked out site for the store, school, staff-house and accountants house. (Max did a bit of clearing on his stead to-day, plenty of galls on the hands). Received a telegram that four more men were coming to-morrow.

Friday, July 10, 1936

Men back on community land to-day, and clearing away sites for steads. Absalom and Bill only working on road grading. Sites finally settled for barn, staff and school. Piercey [29], Regular [30], White [31], and Antle [32] arrived on Express. Weather very fine.

Mr. and Mrs. Cook [33] and Doris and Eric Earle [34] and Mr. Earle visited camp after tea.

Saturday, July 11, 1936

Very hot to-day. Couple of men grading road, four cutting sites for houses the rest of the men on the Community. The breaker plow arrived to-day. Mr. Earle visited camp this afternoon and left a plan of a proposed area that would be most suitable for us. He proposes to post this to the officials at Corner Brook. Mr. Earle in again tonight. One of his blasted dogs ran off with our only piece of bacon which we had been saving the past week. Jack overhauled the alemite greasers again.

Sunday, July 12, 1936

What a night. Half the camp almost poisoned with darn old bully beef. Up half the night, Jack did not get to bed until 6. Great excitement this morning. The boys came across 3 cubs in a tree and the mother bear prowling around. Very hot.

Monday, July 13, 1936

Six men sick today! Poisoning from tinned meat on Saturday evening. In bed all day yesterday and feeling very weak today. Towards evening all feeling much better and expecting to work tomorrow. Two cars of lumber arrived today for barn. Selected sit fox barn and store and started hauling lumber with three horses and tractor. Worked until nine thirty. Bear hunting and shot one mosquito for vengeance, Bears still hanging around, but as usual no gun when they are visible.

Tuesday, July 14, 1936

Weather fine in the morning but rained like the dickens after tea. Continued hauling lumber for barn and stock pile. Sites cleared away for Max’s house and store. Read drove across the brook (Blue Gulch), struck a rock quarry at roughly 1000’ from the brook. All men working today.

Wednesday, July 15, 1936

Rained like —- all day. Finished hauling the lumber, and hauled general freight, (nails, roofing and cement). Six contractors from Spaniard’s Bay arrived on the Express. The six of them are going to work on the barn to-morrow. Broke the “beam” of the tractors sloven [35] hauling lumber across our bridge. Fixed it again through.

Thursday, July 16, 1936

Weather showery. Three horses and tractor hauling lumber. Billy Dawe started the store and the men form Spaniard’s Bay the Barn. Did good work on barn. Foundation and floor laid. Four men cutting out steads.

Friday, July 17, 1936

Weather dull to-day and cool – just right for working. Finished cutting steads this side of Blue Gulch and practically finished hauling the lumber and freight. Barn going up like wild fire. Received wire that Mr. Lodge and party were visiting camp to-day. Jack was out to Express to meet them, but they were coming later on by a freight. They arrived at 8:30 and are coming to the camp in the morning. Andrew Whiffen arrived to-day, still two-to-come. Rev. William Chard of Deer Lake paid us a visit. Peter and Pat started the bridge evening fixing up bunks, etc. We hope to move in tomorrow.

Saturday, July 18, 1936

The day of days, the party (Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, Mr. Pippy, Mr. Butt and Mr. Bonia [36]) arrived and were greeted by a fine shower of rain (which cleared the air by the way). They inspected the camp, road, the men at work and the usual compliments were passed. They seemed to be very much impressed with George’s [37] site. Mr. Lodge spoke to the men for a few minutes, and after a light lunch and a few words they departed at 11:30. Men worked ½ day on road above Blue Gulch and cleared land remainder. Work rushed on bunk-house and men moved in. Three car loads of lumber arrived, tractor working very late.

Things very quiet to-day. Regular in a bad condition. Yours truly invited out by Mrs. Earle to dinner and tea. Spend a very enjoyable day on the whole.

Monday, July 20, 1936

Six car loads of lumber at the siding, not bad at all. Wired Gosse [38] to send in more. Also wired Gobb to make arrangements for Flyer to take Regular home. Practically all hands worked hard on the lumber. Weather showery, some of the men put at glazing. Tractor beginning to get dirty, needs overhauling.

Tuesday, July 21, 1936

Weather fine all day for a change. Percy Moulton put in charge checking out lumber from cars – very satisfactory. Three horses and tractor hauling. Work progressing very well on barn and store. Beams of bridge across Blue Gulch laid. Road cut the other side of Blue Gulch, roughly 1700 feet. Two men cutting. Jim Regular went to Deer Lake this evening by speeder (accompanied by Max) and will taking the Flyer home to-night. Received telegram from Gosse that 12 car loads of lumber has been shipped altogether.

Wednesday, July 22, 1936

Heat terrific. Had loan of horse-sloven from Mr. Earle to haul lumber with the black team, two single horses besides. Tractor and gang working up by Blue Gulch. Peter and Pat just about finished the bridge. Laid out Max’s house for Billy. Max returned from Deer Lake by the express. He was quite disgusted, apparently he had a rotten time.

Thursday, July 23, 1936

If the heat was terrific, it was boiling to-day, in spite of which, the work was very satisfactory. Yesterday’s work continued. Carpenters just about finished the barn. Mr. Earle and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Cook were around this evening.

Friday, July 24, 1936

Progress of work very satisfactory, weather very warm. Tractor not giving complete satisfaction, needs to be adjusted. Carpenters finished barn and started on houses. The six of them decided to work together. Cut the road through the other side of Blue Gulch.

Saturday, July 25, 1936

Weather is a bit cooler. Charlie White sick. Well over two acres stumped at Blue Gulch now. Lumber just about finished. “Jack” (one of the black horses). Stoppage of water. A good dose of spirits of nitric fixed that O.K. Went to South Brook and asked Mr. Murphy [39] (Company’s stable man) to come in and have a look at the horses.

Sunday, July 26, 1936

The usual quiet Sunday. Weather inclined to be dull. Ki King took the cramps after tea, blamed it on the tough.

Monday, July 27, 1936

Weather cool and threatening, but it didn’t rain after all. Continued hauling lumber. Clutch of tractor gave out and Jack and Gill spent day monkeying with it. Wired A.B. Butt for mechanic, men coming along fine with the cutting.

Cook not feeling very well to-day, Joe Wagg boiled up for the men dinner and lunch. Absalom working along on road.

Tuesday, July 28, 1936

Weather threatening all day and broke out around six. Tractor laid up. Finished marking out the rest of the steads. Jack spoke to the men to-night, and they drew for their steads. Lumber just about all in. Lined up carpenters on three houses. Billy rushing on Max’s house. Mrs. Feaver due tomorrow. Absalom sick.

Wednesday, July 29, 1936

Weather dull and threatening. I expect we are in for a good shower. Absalom working to-day but Charlie Ross not feeling well. Finished hauling the lumber to-day. Four horses on land clearing. Mrs. Feaver and Family arrived to-day. Still 25 women to come. Dug a well on stead #12 and struck water at +9 feet. This looks very promising and a big load off our minds.

Thursday, July 30, 1936

And did it rain. All the men could do to-day was to glaze windows. Still, it had to be faced, and they finished just about 100 sashes, which was not so bad. Charlie made a triangle to serve as a gong. Jack says if the gong was made smaller, the men would hear it better. I says “If the men were closer they would have a better chance”. Max looked kind of sheepish this morning. Went to South Brook to see about a mechanic.

Friday, July 31, 1936

Back to the land again, all hands but the cook, cookie and Jim. Jim’s horse wouldn’t work on the land and “Paddy”, Ki’s horse had a galled shoulder. Harvey French arrived to-day still one to come. Jack Marks of the highroads, came in this morning and fixed up the tractor.

August 1936

Saturday, August 1, 1936

Tractor working again. The first time this week. Twenty-one men on land. The mare is no good on the land and “Paddy” is still layed up with a galled shoulder. One house finished to-day. Laid out two more for Billy. Weather fairly warm. Brought in a pig from Earle’s and have christened him “Albert” after our friend Mr. Antle.

Sunday, August 2, 1936

Be it put on record that Mary [40] passed through and I went as far as Deer Lake, returning in the small wee hours on the work train. Weather, apart from a few showers was fine.

Monday, August 3, 1936

“Bank Holiday” but not for us. Cook put the time on half an hour and as Jim said this morning, “Be Japers, we need a lantern to take with us to work now”. Three car loads of lumber arrived to-day and the horses spent the day hauling, “Paddy” still being out of action. Tractor gang and cutters worked up around Blue Gulch. Weather fine and not too hot. Billy gone in to his camp to-day, expecting him back tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 4, 1936

Weather threatening all day, but pleasant for working. All horses and tractor working. Six men cutting, tractor and two horses on the land. Have about two acres stumped across Blue Gulch which is not bad for 1 ½ days for six men. The cook has the time one hour ahead, it sure does look good to see the sun rising. Mr. Earle in again to-night. Apparently there are big things in the I.P.&P. There appears to be a great cut somewhere.

Wednesday, August 5, 1936

Beautiful day. Two horses and team still working on the lumber, the rest on the land. At lunch, Charl Ross’s horse (Freddie) broke clear and was gone for an hour. Spaniard’s Bay carpenters finished their 3rd house. Lined them up with three more. Billy returned to-day. The building is not coming along fast enough. Billy has promised to send for more men. Mr. Earle in again to-night. The past couple of days Jack and I have been eating Max’s. We are feeling the benefit of it already.

Thursday, August 6, 1936

The hottest day the summer, Yesterday’s work continued. Nothing new to report.

Friday, August 7, 1936

Rain the greater part of the day, couldn’t do any work on the land. The men worked on the inside finish of the houses.

Saturday, August 8, 1936

Miserable day. Not raining but woods too wet to do any cutting. Tractor only working on the land. Continued inside finish on houses.

Sunday, August 9, 1936

Very fine day. Did nothing but loaf around camp all day and went Pasadena in the evening.

Monday, August 10, 1936

Fine day and continued our cutting. Area this side of Blue Gulch just about finished and area the other side just about stumped. All horses but one working on the land. Jim hauled lumber and fright. Mr. and Mrs. Lodge and Bert Butt paid us a surprise visit. A very hot reception, but they are pleased with the operations.

Tuesday, August 11, 1936

Same as (JFD) [41].

Wednesday, August 12, 1936

King left for St. John’s last night. Stentaford [42] came here to-day. Staying all night.

Thursday, August 13, 1936

Stent. Left for Deer Lake this morning.

Everything same as usual. Building operations hung up. All Dawe’s men on — house.

Friday, August 14, 1936

Same as usual.

Saturday, August 15, 1936

Same as usual.

Sunday, August 16, 1936

As usual.

Monday, August 17, 1936

As usual.

Tuesday, August 18, 1936

As usual.

Wednesday, August 19, 1936

Everything okay.

Thursday, August 20, 1936

Everything okay.

Friday, August 21, 1936

Back again, what a holiday, now to business. Jack has been keeping the diary for the past week or so. Everything seems to have gone ahead first straight. Construction work coming on fine. Billy has 13 carpenters. He has 7 hours above Blue Gulch under way. The Spaniard’s Bay carpenters are working on the last two below Young’s Brook. Four men put on the houses to finish them off, the rest on the land. Everyone feeling fine. Joe Wagg with Charlie Bonnell took over the bunk-house yesterday. Weather cool and dull.

Saturday, August 22, 1936

Weather fine but getting a bit cooler. Men worked same as yesterday. Knocked off at 5 to give them a chance to clean up bunk-house and everything else in general for Sunday. Lined up Billy on last house above Blue Gulch.

Sunday, August 23, 1936

Fine day, touch of the old summer. Visited by a party from Deer Lake, including Messers. Bently [43] and Martin [44] of Corner Brook.

Monday, August 24, 1936

Miserable day. Rained all night and showery to-day. Too wet to work on the land, worked on the inside finish of the houses & glaring.

Lined up Bill on the staff house. Jack went out to the highroads after lunch to see Bonia about finishing Camp VSS Rd.

Tuesday, August 25, 1936

Wet. Work continued same as yesterday.

Last Original Settler arrives in Midland

Wednesday, August 26, 1936

Wet again. Still working on the houses. The road pretty well cut up and very muddy. Two car loads of lumber arrived this evening, and a machine for breaking cleared land.

To lighten our darkness there arrived to us yesterday one Abraham Warren, our 25th and final settler. Thanks be to Allah there is still a soft spot left in someone’s heart – praise him.

Thursday, August 27, 1936

And still it rains, but the sun did its best to shine through to-day. At least we know that there is a sun.

Commenced to haul the lumber and that piece of machinery, which, if it proves to be a success, will be a great asset to us. The rest of the men continued glaring the windows, finishing the inside of the houses and painting the inside of the store.

Friday, August 28, 1936

Moderately fine to-day. All hands back to the land again. Except Jim, who continued hauling the lumber.

Saturday, August 29, 1936

Weather still holding, work continued, work continued same as yesterday.

Tractor finished clearing at Blue Gulch, and commenced back of Joe French’s house.

Sunday, August 30, 1936

Fine and fairly warm. Spent pleasant day at Pasadena. What a moon-light night – just perfect.

Monday, August 31, 1936

And then came the dawn with the rain. Too wet to go on the land. Worked on the houses, barn, finished painted the store and over hauled the tractor. House construction has been held up considerably the past week – too bad. Jack went out to South Brook this evening to see Mr. Manuel [45] on business (Bob-sleds!!!)

September 1936

Tuesday, September 1, 1936

Rain again. Worked on inside of houses.

Wednesday, September 2, 1936

Weather cleared a bit to-day. Too wet to work in the woods; worked the tractor on the land. Continued worked on houses and wells.

Thursday, September 3, 1936

Wet again, work continued on houses.

Friday, September 4, 1936

Still in rains. Nothing new to report.

Saturday, September 5, 1936

A break at last. Commenced widening the road.

Went to South Brook and borrowed some dynamite from the highroads.

Sunday, September 6, 1936

Weather fair but none too warm.

Monday, September 7, 1936

Wet Monday again. Started to work on the on the road, but had to go in the houses. Lined up the Spaniard’s Bay carpenters on 25th house. Quite a bit of freight arrived to-day.

Tuesday, September 8, 1936

The sun shines again. Men worked on houses and widening road.

Wednesday, September 9, 1936

Weather showery. First shipment of freight for families arrived. Hauled the freight and worked on the houses.

Thursday, September 10, 1936

Weather fine. Finished hauling the freight. Continued work on the houses, worked tractor on the clearing. The night of nights. Bear cub tripped over our guy ropes. Us hunting fox bears at 12 pm. Clothed in pajamas and armed with gun and flashlights. Item 2: Wild cats prowling around, one sneaked into our tent. Item 3: Horses loose and just about tore down the tent. Item 4: Jack got the old hag and nearly frightened me to death.

Friday, September 11, 1936

Day very warm, though plenty of frost during the night. Continued yesterday’s work. Visited by Mr. Bethune. Absalom Pitcher went home by Express for family.

Saturday, September 12, 1936

Rain again, all hands working on houses. After waiting 1 ½ hours for us at Pasadena, Mr. Lodge and party left word that they would be tomorrow or Monday. However we met them after tea in South Brook, Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Hale and Bert Butt. As usual the argument between — — and Jack was somewhat heard.

Sunday, September 13, 1936

The party visited the camp today and were very pleased.

Doad [46] & Eric dropped in on us after tea whiled away an hour or so. Tot [47] returned from Corner Brook.

Spaniard’s Bay carpenters left to-day.

Monday, September 14, 1936

Scattered showers and cool. Men put on the houses to finish up. First shipment of personal household goods arrived to-day. Mrs. Bruin and family called on the Feaver’s to-day and upset them completely and the camp. To relate the details, it would require pages. To sum up, two of the cubs were killed by Jack, but the mother bear went off with one of them, which had been left on the bridge as a decoy.

Charlie White not feeling very well at all. Made arrangements to take him to the doctor at Corner Brook to-morrow.

Tuesday, September 15, 1936

Weather fine. Charlie White went to Corner Brook and was examined by doctors. Caught the three cubs, Mrs. Bruin still at large, she was in the vicinity of Blue Gulch. While prowling through the woods looking for the bear, Jack and party came across a young moose, (about 200’ back of Bonia’s house). The moose was caught in an old snare and was still warm. Reported the matter to the Rangers at Deer Lake immediately. Meanwhile, the moose was cleaned and skinned. Whilst waiting for the Rangers to take the matter up, the boys cooked a big feed for themselves.

First 9 families arrive in Midland from Conception Bay

Wednesday, September 16, 1936

The day of days. Nine [48] families arrived to-day from Conception Bay. Tractor and three horses out to the siding to meet them. Ranger Dwyer from Deer Lake also arrived on the Express, to make investigations in the “Moose Case”. Whilst reporting the case to Deer Lake from South Brook, the “cook” helped himself to another portion of the carcass. “A pity to let it spoil” says he.

Conception Bay men off to-day, they straightened up their home. The rest on the road, which they finished, and then they continued cutting the large birch back of Jos French’s home, working east. Doug Gosse when through on Express, will be back in 8 or 10 days.

Thursday, September 17, 1936

Weather a bit dull to-day. Commenced to burn at Blue Gulch to-day. Jos French stayed home after dinner with sore hand. Mrs. Bruin visited bunk house after breakfast and after dinner, but was caught at tea time in the Pig’s Pen. Jack Halley [49] came in this evening, stayed to tea, helped to skin the bear and finally decided to stay all night, what fun.

Friday, September 18, 1936

Fine day, but continued burning. Jim Bishop’s family arrived to-day. Absalom Pitcher and family did not turn up as expected. Visited by Doad this evening. Nothing ever happens around here. Jos off with sore hand.

Saturday, September 19, 1936

Fine day, work continued same as yesterday. Mr. Earle dropped in this morning, and looked around. Sent in his 44 Winchester to help us along and his horse to be shod. Jim reports he saw Mr. Bruin crossing out road to-day, just above Young’s Brook, but I’m afraid Jim has been seeing things since his family arrived.

Sunday, September 20, 1936

A lovely day, and very quiet. Jack Halley and Tot dropped in out camp this evening.

Monday, September 21, 1936

Freight for Lamaline families arrived to-day. These men off on their houses & fright. The rest burning. Tractor not working properly this morning. Frank Hartigan gave her the once over this afternoon, and pronounced her O.K. Hose & dirty spark-plugs, & an empty radiator were the chief ailments. This was a fine day, almost too hot for burning. Everybody worked hard & long after dark this evening to get in the freight.

Tuesday, September 22, 1936

Community work the past month all shagged up with the houses etc. Thank goodness this will be the last day. Only four man-days burning, and five on tractor. The rest fixing up their houses, and tidy up the camp in general. Weather dull, with a couple of showers but nothing in hurt.

Midland welcomes 13 more families

Wednesday, September 23, 1936

Weather showery this morning, but cleared up afterwards. Thirteen families [50] arrived to-day, work all disjointed. Bunk-house officially closed to-day. Tents taken down, all stores moved up to Blue Gulch. Horses put in the new barn. We are still staying in the tent. Doad in to Max’s to tea this evening.

Thursday, September 24, 1936

Exceptionally fine. Continued burning at Blue Gulch. Albert Antle, Ki King, Charlie Bonnell, Pat Bennett, Pat Walsh replaced by sons. Albert not feeling very well. Will Piercey left work at 4 to attend to his wife (she had a fainting fit). Joe Wagg off to-day & to-morrow to fix up his house, Joe was to cook at the bunk-house & had no time whatever to do anything around his house. Absalom Pitcher off also. Moved forge up above Blue Gulch. We also moved into our new quarters. The women & children seem to be quite contented with the place. Mr. Earle spent the afternoon with us, and told us a few good yarns concerning pigs.

Friday, September 25, 1936

Blowing quite hard from the south this morning with showers, but cleared up, through it still blow considerably. Started on new houses 7-12 & 1-5, 9-hour day & mug-up in the morning only if desired. Burnt all morning but let them out after dinner. Peter Bonia rigged up a “Boom” for piling stumps.

Saturday, September 26, 1936

Weather bit cool. Did not burn to-day, but pull stumps. Things very quiet, Nothing new to report.

Sunday, September 27, 1936

Mr. Doug Gosse of the town office arrived here to-day. This is purely a business trip, and no monkey business either.

Monday, September 28, 1936

It looked like rain and it sure did rain this afternoon. Men worked only worked half-day on the land piling stumps. Joe and Charlie cleaned-up the bunk-house and Jim moved the pig’s pen. Joe Whalen’s furniture arrived to-day, which indicates that they are still coming. Peter spent the day rigging up another boom. There is the deuce of a lot of burning to be done. Engaged Tom Bishop to-day to look after to look after the staff-house.

Tuesday, September 29, 1936

Rained all day. Men home on steads.

Wednesday, September 30, 1936

The twenty-fourth family, Joe Whelan’s arrived to-day. Weather dull and cool, men worked on the ground burning & piling stumps. Had a private party of our own after tea – Doug, Jack, Max & myself.

October 1936

Thursday, October 1, 1936

Weather fine. Continued work on the clearing. Absalom went home after dinner. Had Wes King clearing up around staff house.

Friday, October 2, 1936

Weather fine. Absalom & Joe Wagg home to-day. Joe drove of piece of wire in his hand yesterday, gathered very badly to-day. Continued burning at Blue Gulch. Doug left to-day for Brown’s Arm. He straightened up Max for the time being, apparently it will be necessary to keep Percy steady in the store. Sent Peter and Pat to cut runners for bob-sleds.

Saturday, October 3, 1936

Sent tractor out to Mr. Earle to-day to clean up a piece of land for him. Worked cutting and burning back of barn.

Sunday, October 4, 1936

Very quiet, out to Earle’s to tea.

Monday, October 5, 1936

Rained all day, men stayed home on their steads.

Tuesday, October 6, 1936

Fine again. Jack went to Deer Lake on business. Work continued on the clearing, burning & piling. Hauled bob-sled runners to the forge. Peter Bonia sick with the diarrhea, his son working in his place.

Wednesday, October 7, 1936

Expected Jack back to-day on the Express but he did not come. Work continued same as usual. Harvey & Absalom complained about their grub, not getting it in time.

Thursday, October 8, 1936

Weather dull, commenced to rain after dinner & knocked off work 2:30. Some harsh words passed in the store to-day about the grub. Jack came back at 5 in one deuce of a temper.

Friday, October 9, 1936

Jack in one deuce of a temper all day. Did not go any further than the store & did not see any of the men until 5, when he gave them a lining-up, which will settle things for a while.

Saturday, October 10, 1936

Weather fine, work commenced same as before. Received word that Mr. Dewley & Mr. Pippy would visit us tomorrow.

Sunday, October 11, 1936

Visitors arrived O.K., plus Mr. Bentley in spite of the hard rain. Served dinner which was pure brine, & discussed business matters.

Monday, October 12, 1936

Work continued on the land. Went to Corner Brook, saw Frances LaCour & Dr. Cochrane with whom I made arrangements for him to send a Dr. down to look over a couple of sick children – Mrs. Warren’s little girl, Mrs. Harvey French’s little girl, Will Piercey’s young fellow & to give Mrs. Josiah French the once over. Dr. Cochrane send message to Dr. Parsons at Deer Lake to come down, which as it turned out afterwards he couldn’t.

Tuesday, October 13, 1936

Put six men on toilets to-day, two digging holes and four building. The rest worked on the cleaning. We now have the community buildings stained or rather “solignmumed” by the sons. These sons are now working on the land. Phoned Dr. Parsons but he wouldn’t come – too cold and blowing too hard. Phoned Dr. Cochrane & he promised to send someone if I could find means of transportation up & down. Was unable to obtain a speeder until after 8 o’clock when I got the Highroads speeder. But we got snow bound at Rapid Pond & had give it up.

Wednesday, October 14, 1936

Obtained the Highroad’s speeder to-day & brought down Dr. Cumming & Frances LeCour. The children are over their bad attack and on the road to recovery. Work continued on clearing & toilets. Uncle Tom commenced to cut line for road east side of Bonia’s Bdy of Earle’s property.

Thursday, October 15, 1936

Weather much milder than first part of week. Same work continued. All is well.

Friday, October 16, 1936

Weather very fine, work continued same as usual. Percy Moulton went to Corner Brook to see Doctor about his stomach. Uncle Tom cut line for road through Earle’s property to the Highroad. Mr. Earle is very pleased with its location. Mrs. Feaver, Doad, Tot, Mrs. Cook went to Corner Brook to-day to do some shopping.

Saturday, October 17, 1936

Car load lumber arrived to-day for the work shed. Work continued same usual. Knocked off at twelve to-day.

Work ceases on highroad to-day.

Sunday, October 18, 1936

Weather threatening all day. Spent a very dull weekend.

Monday, October 19, 1936

Weather threatening all day, but did not rain. Work continued on the clearing same as usual. Peter not feeling very well. Stayed home after dinner.

Tuesday, October 20, 1936

Weather showery & cool but worked all day on the clearing & the new road. Tractor hauled lumber all day Charl Ross’s furniture which arrived. Jack went off after dinner with Mr. Earle to look over a piece of land. Phoned Dr. Dumming re Jim Piercey’s knee. It doesn’t look so good at all. Oil arrived from Curling & forge coal from Humber Mouth. Obtained permission from Frank Hartigan to have the use of the Highroad “Root Ripper”. Hauled the thing as far as Camp road.

Charlie Ross's family the last to arrive in Midland

Wednesday, October 21, 1936

Weather not so fine, though it didn’t interfere with the work. Moved the boom across Blue Gulch, through some of the men stayed on the old clearing to straighten up. Billy Dawe here to-day & agreed to build the work shed and forge. Mr. Doran & son from St. John’s arrived to-day to start the school. Mr. Doran’s figure was very low & he was “some taken back”. To date he has nothing order for the building apart from 15 barrels cement & few bags nails. Mr. Doran is quite undecided as what to do. Charlie Ross’s family, the 25th & last, arrived to-day. Hauled the Root Ripper in from the highroad. It works very well but there is the deuce of a lot of “dirt” to be cleared up. Just about finished cutting out our new road.

Thursday, October 22, 1936

Weather very fine though turned dull around 4. Tried the “Root Ripper”, going to be some job. Set fire to last large pile on west die of Blue Gulch. Few of the men worked with forks (borrowed from Mr. Earle) scrapping up slash on the clearing. Made first pile on east side of Blue Gulch. Mr. Doran undecided what to do about the school, wrote the Board asking for more money. “Blew out” some large stumps back of the barn. Started the workshop through. Billy is in Corner Brook & “Lew” [51], his second hand man, left at dinner time. Fixed boundaries for Ki, & gave him the bearings.

Friday, October 23, 1936

Weather dull in the morning, & too wet to work after dinner. Continued clearing on both sides of Brook. Charlie Ross shod horse for Mr. Earle after dinner.

Saturday, October 24, 1936

Too wet to do anything on the land, men home on the steads. Quite a bit of freight arrived this evening. Jack & I out to Mrs. Cook’s for a game of cards.

Sunday, October 25, 1936

Weather fine through very cool. Jack & I out to Earle’s to tea.

Monday, October 26, 1936

A miserable day and cold. Work continued same as usual. Jack not feeling very well to-day (a cold). Tractor hauled freight. Road now impossible for a house, too bad & we need the tractor so badly.

Tuesday, October 27, 1936

Snow-storm last night, & showery all day. Knocked off work at 12. Commenced to pull the stumps on the new road, made great progress. Rest of work continued same as usual. Jack and I bed this morning, & did not go out for the day. Tractor hauled load freight after dinner. Road in very bad condition.

Wednesday, October 28, 1936

Weather milder, through the snow has made everything miserable. Progress on road satisfactory, & might have finished it, only tractor was sent to siding for freight. Worked 2 horses on road. Continued burning & clearing up both sides of brook. Mr. Mark Gosse, Mark Gosse & Son, Spaniard’s Bay, arrived by Express to spend a few days with us. Jack up this evening & off to South Brook with Mr. Gosse to procure license to shoot a moose (which they did not get, neither moose nor license). Mr. Doran disappointed that he did not hear from Board. Sam Peach sick, attack of appendix.

Thursday, October 29, 1936

Up betimes the 15 min late but everything working satisfactorily. Beautiful day. Finished road this morning, & persuaded Mr. Earle that our main road is correctly located, namely 1100’ from his I. Bdy. Progress on land O.K. Joist in shed just about laid. Jack off with Mr. Gosse this morning to locate Mr. Moose. To South Brook this afternoon, & up to 7:20 have not returned. Sam Peach still home though he feels a bit better. Finished 25 toilets this evening (commenced them Oct. 13). Mr. Earl is very pleased “His Road”. He’s going to town to-morrow.

Friday, October 30, 1936

Jack & Mr. Gosse returned about 10:30 last night. Mr. Earle must be very interesting. Weather dull & rained this afternoon but did not interfere with the work burning on the land. Jack & Mr. Gosse went to Corner Brook on the Express. Jack will be returning #2. Stayed home myself & did some carpentry work. Sam Peach to work to-day.

Saturday, October 31, 1936

Jack returned on #2 yesterday O.K. but was unavoidably detained in Pasadena until 11:30 (Mr. Earle went to town yesterday). Worked half-day only on the land. Progress satisfactory. Took the tractor myself after dinner & went out for a load of lumber. Gave Doug [52], Leonard [53], Pat Bonia & John Bennett a lesson in driving.

November 1936

Sunday, November 1, 1936

A very quiet Sunday, weather fine, but the road hopelessly muddy.

Monday, November 2, 1936

First of the month and a perfect day. All hands on the land. A couple of the young fellows worked on a “walk-way” along the road. It is now impossible to walk about with any degree of comfort. Went to J.B. to see Frank Hartigan for the loan of a tractor. Frank was gone to the Marble Mountains. Invited Jack [54] & Tot in, but I expect it will be too muddy. Doad & Mrs. Cook in this afternoon. Jack, Gill & Joe spent day over-hauling tractor. Mrs. Feaver went out with Doad to tea. Max went out after tea to see Mrs. Home. Charlie Ross went to J.B. to see about bob-sleds. Horse “Freddie” off work with “Collar Boil” Commenced Mr. Doran on “Limmy” at barn.

Tuesday, November 3, 1936

Weather fine. Work continued same as usual.

Wednesday, November 4, 1936

Work continued same as usual. Making great progress with the burning.

Thursday, November 5, 1936

Weather wet, only we had ½ day.

Friday, November 6, 1936

No work done at all on the Community. All men home on steads.

Saturday, November 7, 1936

Worked until 4 to-day to make up for lost time, the work being the usual on the Com. Mr. Doran [55] called to town re school.

Sunday, November 8, 1936

Sam Peach had bad attack of appendicitis last night. Rushed him Corner Brook hospital.

Monday, November 9, 1936

Sam operated on this morning & he is doing fine. Only worked ½ day to-day. Jos French called for Mrs. O’Quinn (midwife) [56] to attend to his wife. Billy returned to working on stead.

Tuesday, November 10, 1936

Weather fine, worked all day. Jack received letter from Mr. Tipping of I.P.&P. that he & Mr. Bentley would be in South Brook Friday to Sunday & would to see him re winters operations. Finished burning on east side of Blue Gulch.

Wednesday, November 11, 1936 (Armistice Day)

Worked as usual in spite of holiday. Commenced burning back of Peter Bonia’s.  Jack decided to go to town with Mr. Bentley on Sunday.

Thursday, November 12, 1936

Commenced digging cellar at store. Commenced burning back of Jos French. Cutting out place for bunk-house opp. the school side. Received wire that no cash remuneration could be given to settlers for winters operations.

Friday, November 13, 1936

Snowed all day, burnt in the morning, but put all men on cellar & doors in afternoon. Jack went to Deer Lake. Mr. Doran returned. He is going to build a school but we to do his hauling & he is going to take the woods that are hauled last summer, phoned Jack & told him.

Saturday, November 14, 1936

No work could be done on the land on account of the snow. Put nine men on the cellar, the rest on doors, bob-sled & freight. Knocked off work at 12. Located the school site for Mr. Doran.

Sunday, November 15, 1936

Jack returned 11 o’clock last night. Spent day in Midland, both of us went to Mr. Earle’s for tea. Jack stayed out to take the Express to town. Rained very hard after tea, otherwise would have gone to S. Brook.

Monday, November 16, 1936

Weather very fine. Billy put the roofing on the shed. Turned showery around 3:30. Placed men on the land, cellar, Peter & Pat on bunk-house, Joe & Gill sloughing land back of barn. Breaker plow worked very well. Wesley Foote making great progress with harrow & team on East side of Brook [57]. Mr. Doran commenced digging for his foundations- walls. Jack (the horse) not very well, did not work him.

Tuesday, November 17, 1936

Snowed quite a lot last night & snowing all day. Put more men on the cellar, the rest burning, though it was very unpleasant. The tracks of the tractor slipped off the front idler around dinner time. Worked all afternoon on it, but could do nothing with it. Went out & saw Jack Flynn [58] about it after tea.

Wednesday, November 18, 1936

Too miserable to work on the land. Put more men on the cellar, bunk-house, doors & on the work-shop. Flynn could do nothing with tractor. Went back to South Brook to make apparatus to “draw out” lock nut of track which did not work. He promised to send up to the Marble Mountains to get their apparatus. Weather very cold.

Thursday, November 19, 1936

Froze hard all day. Put some of men on land burning. Rushed work on the cellar & bunk-house. Finished the cellar to-day. The “apparatus” could not be found, so Flynn sent in a 50 diesel & we forced the track on, after which we put the tractor in the garage & adjusted them. Received word from Corner Brook that Sam Peach would be returning by to-night’s Express. Made arrangements for Jim to meet him.

Friday, November 20, 1936

Still freezing hard. Apart from the few men on the bunk-house, put the rest burning. Progress wasn’t very satisfactory on account of the piles being frozen. Sam looks fine after his operation.

Saturday, November 21, 1936

All hands met at the bunk-house at seven to “pull her up”. Quite a snow fall last night, & the weather milder to-day with drizzly rain. Succeeded in getting the B.H. as far as the site & half way back off the road.

Sunday, November 22, 1936

Very mild to-day. Went out to Earle to tea with Mr. & Mrs. Feaver.

Monday, November 23, 1936

Rained like hell at all last night & until 10 this morning. Could do no outdoor work. Continued burning after dinner. Commenced to saw out the sleds after dinner. Was informed that a shipment of ten-test, etc. is outside for Mr. Doran. Besides his car load of lumber there is one for us. Somebody is going to be very busy. Borrowed a couple of jacks from the highroads for the bunkhouse. Sam feeling a bit better than yesterday. Peter laid up the last few days with the piles.

Tuesday, November 24, 1936

Glorious day, though very cold. Continued burning of Jos French & Peter Bonia. Finished sawing stock on hand for sleds. We need a couple of more runners. Hauled the bunk house in position after dinner. It took the whole afternoon with 4 men & the tractor with Billy directing. Sent the young fellows out to throw out the lumber. Was expecting a letter or telegram from Jack, but neither came. Went S. Brook after tea & still no telegram. Was informed that my letter on Sunday did not get off.

Wednesday, November 25, 1936

Weather a bit milder to-day & fine. Continued work on the land. Commenced to chop out runners for sleds. Billy commenced to “straighten up” bunk-house. Joe worked the tractor this afternoon sloughing & Gill took it at 6 to haul lumber. Mr. Earle in this morning & is very impressed with the ploughing. He brought in a bag of apples for the kiddies. Mr. Doran sent Kevin [59] for the tractor the haul the sand. I informed Kevin that the trenches had to be dug first & the forms made before they required the sand.

Thursday, November 26, 1936

Day very disappointing, could not do any work on the land. Put the men in the workshop glazing & on the runners for the sleds. Gill stored away the machinery & hauled a load of lumber. Bought a Nfld pup from Mr. Earle yesterday & sent him home by to-night’s Express. Went to South Brook in the afternoon but no message form Jack. Mrs. Earle treated me to fresh liver & onions & fox supper gave me a choice of cocoa, tea or coffee.

Friday, November 27, 1936

Weather fine but on the fine side. Continued burning back of Jos’s & Peter’s. Let Gill off in the morning & Joe off after dinner, so that both of them hauled lumber until 11:30. Tractor spent all day ploughing. Mrs. Jos French’s was born to-day, a boy. Both are doing well. Jack did not turn up, but I had only half expected him too. I’m feeling rotten after being up practically all night. Shipped Nfld pup home to Jimmy.

Saturday, November 28, 1936

Weather dull all day, methinks we are in for some snow-storm. Everybody, man, woman & child is complaining of the cold. Personally I feel like 2 cents. Continued out burning & ploughing. Let Joe off this morning so he could haul lumber after dinner. All hands quit at 12 to-day.

Sunday, November 29, 1936

Hauled one load freight for Mr. Doran. Max with a bad tooth. He & Mrs. Feaver shagged around J.B. all morning looking for speeder & decided to take to-night’s train to Deer Lake. Went out to Earle’s to teach with Doad & Mrs. Going to town to-night.

Monday, November 30, 1936

Made a mess of the G—D—tractor to-day. Drove the piston through the side, sent out of S.B. for a mechanic. Day started fine, continued burning back of Jos’s & Peter’s. Commenced to snow after dinner & knocked at 4. Jim home sick to-day. Have all stock on hand for sleds, still a small amount of sawing to be done to them. Expecting Jack & Doug to-morrow. Mr. & Mrs. Feaver went to Deer Lake last night & returned this afternoon. This tooth has been pulled, so now Max is in time to face the ordeal coming.

December 1936

Tuesday, December 1, 1936

Practically one foot of snow fell last night & snowing steadily all day. Could not do any work on the land. Jack & Doug arrived on #1 Express with pups in galore. Tractor mechanic from S.B. commenced to strip the tractor.

Wednesday, December 2, 1936

Beautiful day but too much snow to do any burning or cutting. Placed men on Bunk-House which we are fixing up for the school. Rushed work on the sleds. Moved the forge. The chimney which was started in the store yesterday is practically finished. Fixed up our radio last night and struck – MULH! Jack Halley & Tot in this afternoon.

Thursday, December 3, 1936

Dull all day, sky very heavy with snow. Woods still in too big of a mess to do anything. Continued work on sleds and Bunk-House. Wes Foote commenced to build a horse-slide. Sent a couple of the boys off for knees [60].

Friday, December 4, 1936

Woods still in same condition. Weather very mild with rain. Continued much in work-shop on sleds and continued fixing up the Bunk-House.

Saturday, December 5, 1936

Snow melted off the trees but still no condition to work outside. Continued work same as yesterday. Lined up Joe on teacher’s house & a couple of the boys on a toilet for the school. After dinner, Jack & I went in back of Fisher’s Path [61]. Located Mr. Earle’s bdy. Cruised a small portion of the country.

Sunday, December 6, 1936

Very quiet. Perfect day, weather cool. Gave Doug King [62] a pass to Deer Lake to get some teeth extracted.

Monday, December 7, 1936

All set today for cutting & burning. Located the western div. back of Jos French, working towards Young’s Brook. Located the eastern div. back of Charlie Bonnell working east both crowds on a 400’ strip. Left a couple of men in the workshop to work on the sleds. Commenced to rain just before dinner , so after lunch up to the workshop working on the sleds and horse-slide. Ben [63] & Albert [64] commenced to build a toilet for the school.

Tuesday, December 8, 1936

Cool with snow flurries all day. Continued yesterday’s burning, work on the sleds, horse-slide and school toilet. Jack & I cruised around east of Fisher’s Path. Timber not very plentiful but what is there is good. Joe Whelan home with cold. Jos French home with tooth-ache. Sam Peach coming on fine. Received a wire from office to the effect that Doran had up to 31 Dec. in which commence building or lose his contract.

Wednesday, December 9, 1936

Weather cool and very fine. Everybody but Sam Peach working. Continued work same as yesterday. Received letter from Warsaw [65] to have our tractor towed to South Brook & would be repaired in the near future. Mr. Doran decided to go home & consult the Board himself. He has all the stock at Pasadena including the inside finish which he has stored in the store of Elliott & Elliott [66]. Jack called a meeting of the women to-night and gave them some plain facts. Highroads people came in with tractor & took their Rip Rooter.

Thursday, December 10, 1936

Glorious day, weather very keen. Re-continued burning cut-over land back of Peter Bonia. Doug [67] had planned on going home on to-night’s Express, but will not be able to make it. Gill put the tractor parts back to-day.

Friday, December 11, 1936

Weather still very fine, through mild. Continued to clear up the piece of land back to Peter Bonia. Mr. Doran and son went home on the express early this morning

Saturday, December 12, 1936

Rotten day. Plenty of snow last night & weather very mild. Could do no work on the land. Kept working on the sleds & horse slide. Kept the young fellows cutting fire wood. Doug finished up his work & will be going home on to-morrow night’s Express.

Sunday, December 13, 1936

Weather fine. Tot & Jack Halley were in to-night. Doug went home. Its going to be a bit lonely around here now.

Monday, December 14, 1936

Weather miserable, impossible to do any out-door work. Had a couple of jobs done at the store. Kept working on the sleds. Kept the young fellows cutting fire wood.

First Baptism in Midland

Tuesday, December 15, 1936

Weather no better, continued same as yesterday. Started to paint the “School”. Visited to-day by Mr. Andrews representing the United Church and Mr. Cole representing the S.A. Mr. Cole christened Jos French’s baby, “Albert John Francis”, be it put on record that this is the first baptism to take place in Midland. Mr. Andrews will be holding services in the “School” to-night. That also is a event, the holding of religious services in the Bunk-House.

Wednesday, December 16, 1936

Weather still unsuitable for out-door work. Finished the horse-slide to-day & continued work on the sleds. Jack & myself cruised the land east of Andy Whiffen’s. Decided to start logging operations to-morrow, rain, snow or fine. Teacher’s home being finished slowly.

Thursday, December 17, 1936

Commenced logging operations to-day with 14 men cutting. Estimated cut is 5000’, consisting of spruce mostly, with juniper, pine and little fix

Commenced the inside work on the teacher’s house and it sure looks a hard state. No roofing on yet & everything dripping wet. Highroads tractor came in for ours, but could not move it, the mud and dirt being frozen hard around the sprocket wheels and tracks. Mr. Earle came in and surveyed our “logging area”. Jack went up to Deer Lake on the Express to do his Christmas shopping. Weather dull & warm yesterday with plenty of rain & a little snow last night.

Friday, December 18, 1936

Weather dull, with snow flurries practically all day. Work continued same as yesterday. Jack returned from Deer Lake on #1 Express. Rev. Bevan also arrived on #1 & is staying at Max’s until Sunday, when he will be holding services in the school.

Saturday, December 19, 1936

Weather fine. Working all day in the woods. Those who worked all week in the forge & workshop had the afternoon off.

Sunday, December 20, 1936

Sam Peach taken very sick this afternoon, was rushed to the hospital. Jack went down with him. Jack and I out to Mr. Earle’s to tea. Weather very fine.

Monday, December 21, 1936

Rained like the dickens last night and showery all morning. Worked only in the forge & on the teacher’s house. Highroad’s tractor came in around dinner time & worked in the afternoon widening road from Will Piercey’s to Ab Warren’s. Jack got back just as men reported for work. Apparently Sam has kidney trouble & has to be left in the hospital for a few days under observation. Equipment for teacher’s home & school came last night but could not haul it to-day.

Tuesday, December 22, 1936

Weather fine and very little snow down. Continued the usual work, logging, forge, etc. The toys for the children did not come, although they were supposed to be Expressed. Quite a large Christmas mail to-day. 150 sack of flour arrived from Corner Brook last night. A quarter of beef which was ordered from Corner Brook was over carried to Deer Lake.

Wednesday, December 23, 1936

Fine & cool to-day. Continued work same as usual. Very little snow down. Was forced to resort to wheels again to haul the freight. Could not locate the toys, either in South Brook or Deer Lake. The beef still up in Deer Lake although a freight came through last night. Sent out Joe Whalen & Wes Foote to kill a cow for Mr. Earle & we bought a quarter from him.

First Christmas in Midland

Thursday, December 24, 1936

A little snow fell last night. Weather fine to-day. Worked ½ day only. Gave the children a party in the “School”, afternoon tea was served & Santa Claus presented each child with a bag a fruit and candy. Mr. Earle made a short address. A dance in the evening was held by the older folks. Quite a few from South Brook were in. Mr. & Mrs. Earle gave each family a large bag of candy & fruit. Tot & Jack Halley were in.

Friday, December 25, 1936 (Christmas Day)

Christmas day went over like every other Christmas Day, & a jolly good time was had by all. Jack & self spent the day at the Earle’s. After tea, Doad, Eric & ourselves called the Manuels to pass the compliments of the season, after which Jack Halley. Ev Manuel [68], Eric, Jack & self officially opened the workshop in South Brook. Another dance was held in the school house. The weather was the coldest for the season, quite a bit of snow & inclined to be stormy.

Saturday, December 26, 1936 (Boxing Day)

Day of reckoning. The day pasted very quietly. Held a reunion of the settlers in the staff house which turned out to be a howling success.

Sunday, December 27, 1936

A lovely day. Entertained Tot, Jack, Doad, Ev, Eric & the Feavers. Though the wine was very thin the grub flowed freely and everyone was merry.

Monday, December 28, 1936

Commenced the usual work this morning but the weather was most unsuitable (snowing, raining & blowing) and we were forced to give up at 11. Continued the work on the teacher’s house and in the forge. Mr. Earle sent in one of his horses to be shod. Only one casualty over the week end, Pat Walsh, completely done in, he’ll be O.K. in a day or two. Absalom Pitcher is also on the sick list.

Tuesday, December 29, 1936

Snowing all day & not ideal for logging purposes. We continued the logging however, & worked all day. Jack went to Corner Brook on the Express to see Major Howard re medical attention for the settlement. He returned last night on a freight train. Doug was in to the Feaver’s to tea. Yours truly was called Pasadena by Mrs. Earle to install the radio.

Wednesday, December 30, 1936

Very cold and fine all day. Continued work same as before. Progress on teacher’s house seems to be very slow. This is partially due to the fact that each board is iced up. Finished the chimney (also the brick). Made inquiries about the toys which the children should have had before Christmas & still nothing heard of them. Commenced hauling the logs to the workshed.

Thursday, December 31, 1936

Weather cold last night, but turned mild with snow flurries in the afternoon. Percentage of sickness very high. Continued the usual work. Teacher’s house just about finished on the outside. Rushing the work on the inside to have it ready for Tuesday. Midland celebrated the coming to the New Year by the sounding of the bugle, the firing of guns and of course passing the usual compliments of the season. And so ended 1936.

January 1937

Friday, January 1, 1937

Happy New Year to all. After heavy rain last night weather today fine and mild. Very little snow left. Sam Peach returned early this morning by the Express. The younger folks of the settlement gave a concert in the school. The concert was a great credit to them and personally speaking was never so much surprised in my life. The dance was the most enjoyable so far and did not break up until one. Quite a few from South Brook were in. Jack spoke to the gathering delivering his usual line of stuff which tickled the women pink.

Saturday, January 2, 1937

Back to work again with the sick list at the limit. Not enough snow left to do any hauling. Continued the logging and the work on the teacher’s house. Mr. Earle in with some new idea for the steads. (He visited one of the company camps this morning). Four of the young fellows now cutting firewood for the community buildings. Weather quite cold. Carpenters finished teacher’s house and some clapboarding on the school.

Sunday, January 3, 1937

Weather quite mild but around 7 p.m. a strong S.E. gale sprung up with hail followed by rain. We are told it was as hard a windstorm ever experienced around here.

Monday, January 4, 1937

Very fine day. Not enough snow down to do any hauling. Continued logging operations in the woods. Teacher’s house just about finished. Both the teacher’s house and the school were scrubbed by the women. Sent an invitation to Mrs. Earle to a supper at the school tomorrow night in honour of the teachers. The mummers are pretty numerous these nights.

Tuesday, January 5, 1937

Great preparations made this morning for the teachers who did not arrive. A very fine day. Continued out usual work. Still no snow for hauling. A dance was held in the school for and by the older folk of the settlement, Doris and Eric Earle being the only invited guests. It was a crowning success.

Wednesday, January 6, 1937

Weather was mild. Work continued as before and it is a sorry looking bunch after the night before. Early afternoon Harvey French dropped a log on his foot. He was forced to give up work for the day.

Thursday, January 7, 1937

Commenced hauling today with four horses. Only two cutting the rest cutting and burning for land clearing. Weather cool but there is hardly enough snow down yet. Mr. Manuel paid us a visit this morning and stayed to dinner.

Midland's first schoolteachers arrive

Friday, January 8, 1937

Weather cool with a little snow. Work continued same as usual. Tine [69] and Mallie [70] arrived on today’s express.

Saturday, January 9, 1937

Weather fine and cold. Worked until 12. Hauled firewood to the settlers. Hauled a few loads of logs to the shed. Continued burning. Teachers visited each house.

Sunday, January 10, 1937

Quite a bit of snow fell last night. Weather today drifting and cold.

Monday, January 11, 1937

Weather cold and fine. Usual work continued i.e. burning and logging. School was opened this morning.

Tuesday, January 12, 1937

Weather fine and slightly milder. Usual work continued. Some of the children appear to have a bad attack of “Impetigo”. Phoned Dr. Cochrane on the matter. Phoned Canada Packers concerning two quarters of beef and sack of onions which were received from them yesterday.

Wednesday, January 13, 1937

Weather milder this morning but turned cold after dinner with snow flurries. Usual work continued. Jack went timber cruising today. The teachers held a meeting of the ladies tonight to form a Guild. The following Vice President – Mrs. Feaver, Secretary – Mrs. Peach.

Thursday, January 14, 1937

Weather milder with snow. Worked continued as before. Tine returned to St. John’s on #2 Express.

Friday, January 15, 1937

Had quite a bit of snow last night which afterwards turned to rain. Weather mild today and the road soft. The usual work continued. Rev. Beaton [71] arrived on #1 Express.

Saturday, January 16, 1937

Weather mild this morning but afterwards turned freezing. By dinnertime we finished hauling all the logs cut to date. Visited by Ranger Mercer [72] this afternoon.

Sunday, January 17, 1937

Weather fine but very cold. Visited by Ranger again.

Monday, January 18, 1937

Weather very mild with snow. Worked in morning. Continued logging and burning.

Tuesday, January 19, 1937

Weather fine. The usual work continued.

Wednesday, January 20, 1937

Weather fine. Nothing new to report.

Thursday, January 21, 1937

Commenced cutting railings and cellar studding for settlers. Logging just about over Commenced to snow this afternoon.

Friday, January 22, 1937

Terrific amount of snow down. Impossible to do any work.

Saturday, January 23, 1937

Still unable to do any work.

Sunday, January 24, 1937

Very fine day. The boys, Ern & Ron [73] in to spend the weekend with us.

Monday, January 25, 1937

Nothing doing.

Tuesday, January 26, 1937

Nothing doing.

Wednesday, January 27, 1937

Nothing doing.

Thursday, January 28, 1937

Nothing doing.

Friday, January 29, 1937

Nothing doing.

Saturday, January 30, 1937

Absolutely nothing could be done on the land the past week. The weather on the whole was fine but owing to the tremendous amount of snow, recently fallen the trees were laden down with it.

Sunday, January 31, 1937

(No entry)

February 1937

Monday, February 1, 1937

After a long last (after the ex. King Edward XII said) we have commenced operations again through the woods are by no means ideal. Continued cutting and burning on Camp 7 road, back Jos and back of Tom Hillier. Continued cutting railings, post on ridge back of Joe Wagg’s and back of Pat Bennett [74]. Charlie and Tom continued logging on the grove at the foot of the clearing diesel engine at South Brook. Gerald [75] is taking his place. Absalom still sick. Weather fine.

Tuesday, February 2, 1937

Weather fairly mild. Work continued same as usual. Woods still in a very bad condition.

Wednesday, February 3, 1937

Another fine day, very fine in fact. Work continued same as yesterday. Aubrey [76] and self commenced surveying cleared areas. Jack met the women in the school after tea re dance to be held Friday coming. Gill commenced hauling cellar studding to the steads.

Thursday, February 4, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued same as usual. Jack continued to work on school.

Friday, February 5, 1937

Work continued same as usual. Weather fine. Peter Bonia went to Corner Brook on the Express to consult the doctor.

Saturday, February 6, 1937

Worked today until 5. Weather still holding fine.

Sunday, February 7, 1937

Day passed very quietly. Warm with a little snow.

Monday, February 8, 1937

Weather very mild. Quite a bit of snow fell last night. Could do no work on the land. Some of the men worked on Ab. Warren’s and Harvey French’s houses. Getting it ready for shafting. After dinner some of the boys went to Pasadena to dig up some sand for Jim to haul tomorrow. Peter Bonia returned from Corner Brook on the Express.

Tuesday, February 9, 1937

Weather mild. Work continued. Railings getting very short. Sent Doug and Joe Whelan to cut and saw logs on the back of Pat Bennett. Ab and Harvey continued working on their houses. Geo. Chafe arrived on #1 today to spend a few days with us.

Wednesday, February 10, 1937 (Ash Wednesday)

Weather fine. Work continued same as usual. Harvey and Ab commenced to prop up their houses to get the beams under them. A whole holiday for the school. Billy Dawe dropped in after tea re the construction of the school.

Thursday, February 11, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued cutting and burning. Very few railing left on ridge back of Pat Bennett. Jack spent day winding up details before leaving for Brown’s Arm tonight with George. Could not borrow tractor from highroads to move Harvey French’s and Ab Warren’s houses. Had to make a crank shaft for ours.

Friday, February 12, 1937

Weather turned cold last night but it was better all day though ….. rest of entry illegible ……. Rev. Beaven arrived #1.

Saturday, February 13, 1937

Weather cool, but turned mild with snow. Knocked off work at 3:30. The usual work being done, cutting and burning. All railings cut and hauled.

Sunday, February 14, 1937

Beautiful day. Things very quite. Percy and Absalom returned from Corner Brook early this morning. Percy had teeth extracted.

Monday, February 15, 1937

Weather too miserable to work. Rain and sleet with Hillier were appointed wardens for the C. of E. Doug King, Bert King, and Leonard Bonnell went to Deer Lake on #2 Express to be examined for ‘woods work’. I understand they have obtained work in one of the lumber camps.

Tuesday, February 16, 1937

Worked all day today but weather very miserable. Snowing practically all day.

Wednesday, February 17, 1937

Could do no work today on account of snow though weather fine. Hauled in a couple of loads of sand to finish it up.

Thursday, February 18, 1937

Woods in a no better condition. Weather glorious today and should have some effect on the snow.

Friday, February 19, 1937

This morning very cold but turned mild. Work continued in cutting and burning. Nellie home sick today with a sore throat. Percy Moulton went to Corner Brook on the Express to have the rest of his teeth extracted. Aubrey Bonnell (as before) is taking his place in the store.

Saturday, February 20, 1937

Weather very fine, milder than yesterday. Work continued same as yesterday.

Sunday, February 21, 1937

Weather dull but fine. Percy Moulton returned last night on the freight.

Monday, February 22, 1937

Weather mild, and threatening to rain all day. Work continued same as before, cutting and burning. Sam Peach commenced to clear up the garage today. Will Piercey home all day with a headache. Jos French knocked off at dinnertime with a toothache. Percy Moulton had the remainder of his extracted on Saturday and is feeling as fine as could be expected. Mr. Earle had one of his dogs killed by Express this morning and another one seriously injured.

Tuesday, February 23, 1937

Weather exceptionally fine. Continued cutting and burning. Ki King and Will Piercey home sick. Absalom Pitcher out of work.

Wednesday, February 24, 1937

Weather dull but fine. Work continued same as usual. Went to South Brook to see about the tractor. Still waiting for the crank shaft.

Thursday, February 25, 1937

Weather dull. Commenced snowing after dinner and had to quit work at 3 p.m. Sam Peach worked in the forge with Charlie. Pat home with the measles.

Friday, February 26, 1937

Weather fine but woods too miserable to do any work. Jack returned today #1 Express.

Saturday, February 27, 1937

Weather fine. Worked all day cutting and burning. Jack spoke to the men this evening in the school. Crank shaft for tractor arrived. Brought it out to South Brook.

Sunday, February 28, 1937

Weather fine. Did a little work with Jack picking up loose ends.

March 1937

Monday, March 1, 1937

Weather fine. Cutting and burning continued. Pat Bonia and self commenced to lay out boundary lines about Blue Gulch. Sam Peach out cutting. All the men to work once again. Aubrey Bonnell and Jim Walsh home sick.  Mrs. Bonnell [77] left for Brown’s Arm this morning on the Express to visit her daughter who is not well.

Tuesday, March 2, 1937

Weather fine but cool. Work continued same as usual. Continued laying out boundary lines with George Antle [78]. Tom Hillier to cut them.

Wednesday, March 3, 1937

Weather raw but fine. Work continued same as usual. Jim Walsh and self finished putting in rest of boundary lines. Received a telegram from Roy Bethune (agricultural expert) that he would be here to the Freight. Max received bad news about his father yesterday. He decided to go home next Sunday night to see him.

Thursday, March 4, 1937

Weather raw with a little snow all day. Work continued cutting and burning. Gill and Joe commenced hauling a few logs which were cut back of Jos French’s. Jim Walsh [79] and Dulcie Hodder [80] went to Deer Lake on #2 Express to have teeth extracted. Roy Bethune left for Corner Brook on #1.

Friday, March 5, 1937

Weather dull with snow flurries all day. Work continued same as usual. Mail day but no news.

Saturday, March 6, 1937

Snowed quite a bit last night. Unable to do anything on the land today. Weather today fine.

Sunday, March 7, 1937

Dull. Day Passed peacefully.

Monday, March 8, 1937

Weather cool and all afternoon inclined to be stormy. Max Feaver left for home on the #2 Express this morning. Jos French and Gertie Pitcher [81] went as far as Deer Lake to have some teeth extracted. Work continued same as usual. Lined up Uncle Tom this afternoon on the south side of the road to cut lines for burning. The other side of the road from Albert Antle to A. Whiffin, there is a strip 400’ wide practically burnt over.

Tuesday, March 9, 1937

Weather dull all day. Commenced to snow after dinner and we had to quit work at 3. The usual work, cutting and burning. South Brook stages its first ‘talkie’ starring Tim McCoy in The WESTERNER [82].

Wednesday, March 10, 1937

Weather remains dull with rain and snow in the afternoon. Quit work at 12.

Thursday, March 11, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued same as usual, cutting and burning. Practically all hands now burning on the south side of the road.

Friday, March 12, 1937

Weather very fine. Work continued same as usual. Harvey French home – his wife very sick. Will Piercey, Pat Bennett and Will Bennett went down to Corner Brook for a medical examination. Rev. Beaton arrived today.

Two families decide to leave Midland

Saturday, March 13, 1937

Weather fine. The usual work continued. Knocked off work today at 4 o’clock. Harvey French still home with his wife. After a couple of weeks of deliberation Sam and Gill have finally decided to quit. Sam, because he says he will get better sooner in his own home (Salmon Cove) and Gill, because he does not wish to remain here without Sam. Jack wrote the secretary to that effect.

Sunday, March 14, 1937

Will and Pat Bennett and Will Piercey returned early this morning. Weather very fine. The day passed quietly.

Monday, March 15, 1937

Weather fine. Cutting and burning continued. Mrs. French still not very well. Finished cutting back of Albert Antle’s on Saturday. Absalom and Henry [83] cutting back of the old bunkhouse site. Andy and Pat Walsh went back on the ridge back of Pat’s house to look for cut pieces but had to give it up owning to so much snow. They finished today burning back of Andy’s house. Jim and Will Walsh have been for the first few days cutting and hauling fencing material for the community plots.

Tuesday, March 16, 1937

Weather dull. Apart from Absalom and Henry, all those cutting and burning are on the south side of the road. The woods is more open, consequently there is more snow to contend with makes it so much harder for burning.

Wednesday, March 17, 1937

Commenced working today but had to give it up at 9 owing to the rain. The school children held a little concert in the school this afternoon for the mothers. After the tea the settlers had a regular ‘come-all-ye’.

Thursday, March 18, 1937

Weather fine and very warm. Snow melting fast. Woods too wet this morning to do any burning. Put some men in the cellar to pick out the potatoes and move them to the barn loft. Commenced to cut over some ½ acre plots on the steads this afternoon and put a couple of the men to cut posts for fencing.

Friday, March 19, 1937

Another fine day though it commenced to snow lightly around 3:45. A couple of men were left on to finish the potatoes. Other were put in the woods to cut pieces, the remainder were left on the steads. Aubrey Bonnell commenced working in the store today in the place of Percy Moulton who is now working on the land. Ki King went to Corner Brook on the Express to have some teeth extracted.

Saturday, March 20, 1937

Snowed last night and the woods in no fit condition to burn today. Had most of the men, some time or another during the day, grading and separating the potatoes which have been stored on the barn left the past couple of days.

Sunday, March 21, 1937

Weather very fine. Ki returned last night on a Freight.

Monday, March 22, 1937

Weather rain and cold. Work continued cutting and burning on the steads. Those above Blue Gulch cut firewood and runners.

Tuesday, March 23, 1937

Snowed last night and all today. Impossible to do any work on the land. Received telegram that is was OK for Peach and Kelloway to quit. Tractor parts arrived. They commenced to assemble it today.

Wednesday, March 24, 1937

Snow still falling. Woods in a bad condition and nothing can be done. Set Joe Whelan to the mechanical shop in South Brook to pick up what information he can on the tractor. Joe is to be the operator.

Thursday, March 25, 1937

Weather fine but woods unfit for work. Sent in a horse and three or four more to break a road to a spot of railing on ridge back Bennett’s. The ground is very soft and will have to boughed over in two or three places. We went to South Brook again. Brought out Peach’s and Kelloway’s freight but they missed the train and will not go until Saturday night.

Friday, March 26, 1937

Good Friday and weather very fine. As on all Good Fridays. The day passed very quietly. We formed our own party and spent an enjoyable day at the Transmission Camp [84] (about three miles east of Pasadena). Peach family and Kelloway family left on Express this morning.

Saturday, March 27, 1937

Weather fine and day spent cutting and burning on the steads as per usual. Still continued cutting firewood and runners around Fisher’s Path. Cut a few railings in back and hauled them out but the going is very soft. A few of the men held a dance in the school house. Contacted Billy Dawe from Raymond’s [85] and he promised to come up tomorrow night.

Sunday, March 28, 1937

Weather fine but a bit cool. The day passed very quietly.

Monday, March 29, 1937

Weather very fine. Work continued as per usual, cutting and burning on the steads, cutting firewood in the vicinity of Fisher’s Path and cutting railings in back. Billy Dawe turned up this morning on #2 Express. The school and the mill were discussed.

Tuesday, March 30, 1937

Weather very fine. Work continued today same as yesterday. Billy Dawe and L. Haynes [86] here today. Billy went back to Corner Brook on the Express. Jack and Haynes went to South Brook and brought in a push bench of Billy’s which we have the loan of. Progress on the tractor satisfactory. According to Joe we should get it tomorrow or Friday. It has been rumored that Joe Wagg and Ben Hodder are leaving but this rumor has been contradicted by them.

Wednesday, March 31, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued same as usual. Received telegram today. Geo. Chafe to ship all vegetables that we can spare as quickly as possible.

April 1937

Thursday, April 1, 1937

April Fool’s Day though it was no joke starting work this morning. Weather cold and dull with scattered snow flurries. Work continued same as usual. Received word from Tine that she was leaving on the Express. Jack met the young men and women this evening in the school to form a club to arrange dances in the future i.e. in general, be responsible for the school. Charlie Bonnell was elected President, Tom Bonia Vice-President and Sadie Bonia Treasurer. They are starting off with a dance tomorrow night.

Friday, April 2, 1937

Weather fine but cool. All hands available cutting and burning. Tine turned up today on the Express. She did not say how long she intends to stay. Also, we received our tractor. Let’s hope our troubles with it are over. The dance went off and was a huge success.

Saturday, April 3, 1937

Weather very fine. Work continued same as usual. Knocked off work at 12. Commenced to move Ab. Warren’s house today with the tractor. Managed to get it as far as road. The snow is rotten. The tractor could get no grip. Shipped some potatoes and turnips to Geo. Chafe, Brown’s Arm settlement.

Sunday, April 4, 1937

Froze hard last night. I expect the vegetables at the station were ripped. Weather very fine today. Mrs. Manuel from South Brook in to visit us today.

Monday, April 5, 1937

Weather very fine. Work continued cutting and burning. Commenced to cut the stands above Blue Gulch. Worked part of morning of Ab Warren’s house with tractor but made no headway. At 3 o’clock collected all hands and with Norman Major [87] at the tractor (he make some minor adjustments to it) got the house up at 5:30.

Tuesday, April 6, 1937

Weather dull and warm. Work continued burning and cutting. Commenced at Harvey French’s house at 7 with the men below and got it up in 2 ½ hours. Harvey and Ab spent rest of the day fencing up. Hauled up their porches and verandas in the afternoon.

Wednesday, April 7, 1937

Rained quite a bit last night but woods OK this morning for burning. Work continued same as usual. Weather dull. Mallie was supposed to go to Corner Brook yesterday to consult the doctor but missed the train. Not feeling well at all today. Only Nellie [88] holding her class this week.

Thursday, April 8, 1937

Rained very hard last night. Woods wet this morning which made it difficult to burn for a couple of hours or so. Lew Haynes came in to fix up the mill.

Friday, April 9, 1937

Weather fine but cool. Work continued same as usual. Lew finished setting up the mill this morning. He made a great job of it. Mallie, accompanied by Tine, went to Corner Brook to consult the doctor.

Saturday, April 10, 1937

A miserable day. Snowed hard all day. Commenced to work as usual in the morning but were forced to give it up. Commenced to operate the mill today. Pat Bennett and Wes Foote on the bench, Joe Whelan operating the tractor.

Sunday, April 11, 1937

Weather raw and miserable under foot. Tine and Mallie returned early this morning. Tine going East on tonight’s train.

Monday, April 12, 1937

Weather fine. Back on the land again and mill going in full swing. Commenced to haul up the rock. This rock will not be used in the foundation of the school. Carload fertilizer arrived yesterday. Commenced to haul today but discovered it was in bond. Wired St. John’s to have it released.

New family replaces settler who left Midland

Tuesday, April 13, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued same as usual. Received answer re fertilizer and hauled it in this afternoon. Mr. Fred Scott, school inspector, arrived on the Express. Will be staying until Friday. Jim King [89] taken on as a settler and commenced work this morning.

Wednesday, April 14, 1937

Weather a little cooler and dull. Work continued a usual. Rained last night but did not interfere with the work.

Thursday, April 15, 1937

Weather fine, work as usual. Put Percy Moulton in the mill to scale and check out the — lot. Commenced to distribute it today to the lower families.

Friday, April 16, 1937

Rained quite a bit last night and scattered showers all day. Apart from the mill which we kept going all day, could do no other work. A few of the men went up to the mill and carried in some logs. Mr. Gould and Mr. Livingstone of the I.P. &P. Co. in today. Mr. Gould, veterinarian doctor, came in at our request to inspect the horses. Mr. Livingstone, scaler, came in to have a look at the logs. Another dance held this evening and was well patronized by South Brook and the Highroads. Mr. Scott left on the #1 Express for Curling.

Saturday, April 17, 1937

Weather fine. Worked all day same as usual.

Sunday, April 18, 1937

A little snow fell today but nothing worthwhile.

Monday, April 19, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued same as usual. Ab Warren went home today by #2 Express to visit his mother.

Tuesday, April 20, 1937

Weather very fine. Snow going fast. Still quite a bit of frost in the ground. Work continued same as usual. Commenced to burn at the old campsite today.

Wednesday, April 21, 1937

Weather fine. Worked as usual.

Thursday, April 22, 1937

Worked continued as usual. Weather fine. Syd Doran [90] visited us today. Mr. Elliott [91] on business for his father.

Friday, April 23, 1937

Weather fine but cool. In fact the weather has been cool the past week and apart from one day there has been no let up in the snow and frost. Work continued as usual Tractor not giving much satisfaction today. Trouble with the starting engine. Syd went back to Corner Brook on the Express. Charlie White went to Corner Brook to have some teeth extracted. Ab Warren returned from home on the Express. His mother passed away yesterday.

Saturday, April 24, 1937

Weather fine but still cool. All hands working on the land. Tractor on the blink. The starting engine is out of commission.

Sunday, April 25, 1937

Weather warmer and fine. Jack and Joe worked all day on the tractor sent out to South Brook for Norman Major, the mechanic.

Monday, April 26, 1937

Weather warmer than any day last week. All hands on the land. Albert Antle commenced to pull the stumps on his stead today. There is still frost in the ground. Charlie White returned Saturday night on a Freight. Major came in after dinner and worked on the tractor. Doug King and John Bennett went to Corner Brook on the Freight to seek legal advice re the contract of painting Mr. Earle’s house. Yesterday a young moose came out on our road and hung around the houses at the lower end for quite a while until it was driven away.

Tuesday, April 27, 1937

Weather very fine. Major finished the tractor yesterday evening and today we commenced hauling stump on the steads, beginning with Pat Walsh. The rest of the men worked on the steads clearing them up. Still quite a bit of frost in the ground. After tea, Jack worked the tractor on Harvey French stead.

Wednesday, April 28, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued on the steads. Tractor doing great work but there is still the frost to contend with. Mr. Livingstone in today with a letter from the Co. re our logging. The I.P.&P. are now trying to claim stumpage on our winter’s cut. Some chap down form Deer Lake collecting radio licenses.

Thursday, April 29, 1937

Weather fine. Work as per usual. Worked the tractor myself after tea on Will Walsh’s stead.

Friday, April 30, 1937

Weather very fine but wind cool. Work continued as usual. Jack held a meeting of the men after tea and gave them a heart to heart talk. Ab Warren’s little girl took very sick around 11 o’clock. Phoned Dr. Cochrane at 1:30 for advice.

May 1937

Saturday, May 1, 1937

They day very warm. Worked as usual on the steads. After tea commenced ploughing on Percy Moulton’s stead. Ab Warren’s little girl a littler better though still very sick. The teachers were down to the house last night and stayed until 4:30 a.m. They were down again today and each stayed quite a while in her turn. Andy Whiffin’s little girl isn’t so well either. Gerald Smith [92] home from college (Nova Scotia Tech.) on his holidays, is staying at Earle’s for some time. Norman Major, mechanic, sent on a hoax.

Sunday, May 2, 1937

Beautiful day, Just strolled and strolled around.

Monday, May 3, 1937

Day very fine and warm. Work continued to the steads. All steads above Blue Gulch are now stumped Jack finished ploughing Percy Moulton’s and ploughed Andy Whiffin’s after tea. We put the clock on 1 hour last night to give us the longer evenings. Ab Warren little girl still sick but nothing serious. Ab home all day. Wes Foot home sick with bad cold.

Tuesday, May 4, 1937

Weather very fine. Work continued as usual on the steads Mrs. Char. White saw two moose on their stead this morning.

Wednesday, May 5, 1937

Weather very fine. Worked as usual. Billy Dawe brought in the base of his engine to put a couple of plates on it.

Thursday, May 6, 1937

Weather very hot today. Worked as usual. Today got out of control and for an hour or more it looked quite nasty.

Friday, May 7, 1937

Weather very warm. Worked as usual.

Saturday, May 8, 1937

Though it was threatening to rain the past couple of days, it still remains fine, today being very warm. Worked as usual on the steads. The tractor had been ploughing each evening during the evening. Last night the wheel was buckled somewhat. Charlie straightened it out today.

Sunday, May 9, 1937

Cloudy today and turned to rain around 4:30. The moose was out again today back of Wes Foote. Those who were smart enough had a good opportunity to see him.

Monday, May 10, 1937

It rained quite a bit last night but it did not interfere with the day’s work. Worked continued same as usual on the steads. A shipment of hay was put off at the siding yesterday. Also we received part of our order of seed potatoes. Mrs. Feaver was to town this morning on the Coronation Special.

Tuesday, May 11, 1937

Weather dull. Work continued same as usual. Stored out hay in Mr. Earle’s barn. Commenced to rain quite hard after tea and we had one clap of thunder. The younger fold gave a concert followed by a dance this evening. Quite a few from Pasadena and South Brook were in.

Wednesday, May 12, 1937

Coronation Day [93]. The weather was cool and miserable. Quite a drop of rain fell last night. We spent the afternoon at the lake side returning home around 10:30 to find a private dance going ahead in full swing . We were just in time for supper.

Thursday, May 13, 1937

Weather fine, back to work again as per usual.

Friday, May 14, 1937

Weather threatening but remained fine. Work on the steads continued as usual. H. Atkinson [94] arrived at South Brook today to go surveying on the highroads.

Saturday, May 15, 1937

Weather dull. Worked as usual.

Sunday, May 16, 1937

Weather threatening all day and commenced to rain around 6 o’clock. H. Atkinson same in to see us today. We boiled C. beef and cabbage at Transmission camp.

Monday, May 17, 1937

Rained all day, could do no work on the steads. Jack ploughed Wes Foote’s plot in the morning and I did some ploughing in the field after dinner. Charlie Ross shod a couple of horses in the afternoon.

Tuesday, May 18, 1937

Heavy mist this morning. Weather dull all day. Everything is quite muddy again. Placed all the men on the clearings on the other side of Blue Gulch to clear away all debris, etc.

Wednesday, May 19, 1937

Weather fine. All the men back on the steads again.

Thursday, May 20, 1937

Weather fine for the greater part of the day but commenced to rain around 4 o’clock. Work continued as usual on the steads.

Friday, May 21, 1937

Nellie Maynard, whilst trying to cross Blue Gulch this evening slipped and cut her leg badly. We obtained the use of the highroads speeder and rushed her there immediately.

Saturday, May 22, 1937

Weather fine. Worked as usual. Nellie unable to come home today. Will take tomorrow’s Express.

Sunday, May 23, 1937

Weather very fine and warm. Quite a crew from the highroads in around today.

Monday, May 24, 1937

Weather very sultry. Work continued same as usual. Nellie was supposed to have returned on the Express this morning. We got up at 3 and went out but no Nellie. All the young fellows from the settlement have been out to the highroads seeking a job.

Tuesday, May 25, 1937

Weather very fine. Work continued same as usual. Nellie returned this evening by Speeder.

Wednesday, May 26, 1937

Weather very fine. Work continued on the land as usual. Harry Martin put his potatoes in last night. Today we “disc harvested” a field back of the barn. We then tried the gang plow on it, but it would not work. Last night commenced to re-plow it with the “breaker”.

Thursday, May 27, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued as usual. All hands above Blue Gulch worked this evening at Uncle Jim’s putting in his spuds.

Friday, May 28, 1937

Weather wet, not much could be done today on the land. Worked the tractor ploughing after dinner and in the evening Geof. Dawson, Jack’s cousin, arrived today to go blasting for the highroads.

Saturday, May 29, 1937

Weather fine all hands worked as usual on the land. The earth is very heavy through and could stand a lot of drying out.

Sunday, May 30, 1937

(Nothing entered. Whatever was there is scratched out.)

Monday, May 31, 1937

Weather fine but dull. Work continued on the steads ploughing and planting.

June 1937

Tuesday, June 1, 1937

Weather. Worked as usual. Rained all day. Heavy thunder and lightning storm. Floods in Corner Brook causing $25,000 of damage to roads.

Wednesday, June 2, 1937

Weather dull and shower this afternoon. Work on the steads just about finished.

Thursday, June 3, 1937

Weather fine. Commenced ploughing, harrowing and planting on field back of the barn. Did very good at the Rod. Bethune, district agriculture adviser, and MacIssac, Field worker for the co-operative society visited is today. Dark and cloudy – frost warning on for tonight.

Friday, June 4, 1937

Weather threatening all day and commenced to rain around 3:30. Work rushed on the large plot. Bethune and MacIssac left this morning. Sir Wilfred [95] and Lady Woods arrived today to inspect the highroad. They dropped in to see us and were very much impressed. They have promised to come back before returning.

Saturday, June 5, 1937

Weather shower all day. The men stayed home of their steads this morning. In the afternoon they cut potatoes for Monday.

Sunday, June 6, 1937

Weather fine. Mucky underneath. Miss MacMillian, pres. Jubilee Guild, arrived to meet the women folk.

Monday, June 7, 1937

Weather threatening but turned out to be a very hot day. Work continued at the field back of the barn. Only stead now being worked is Charlie Ross’. Finished it today. Released Joe Whelan today to give him a chance at his stead. I took the tractor and commenced disc harrowing on eastern side of Blue Gulch.

Tuesday, June 8, 1937

Weather very hot. Work continued same as yesterday. Miss MacMillan left today to go to Deer Lake on the Speeder where she will catch the Flyer tonight.

Wednesday, June 9, 1937

Weather hot. Worked the same as yesterday. Joe Whelan took the tractor this afternoon and finished pulling stumps on Jim King’s stead. After tea he worked on Pat Walsh’s stead, bogged the tractor there and left it for the night. Went to Corner Brook. Very nice day.

First baby born in Midland

Thursday, June 10, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued same as usual. Had very little trouble in getting the tractor out. Ploughed up Pat Walsh’s stead afterwards. A baby girl born to Mrs. Foote today. Commenced drilling on eastern side of Blue Gulch today.

Friday, June 11, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued with the planting. Finished back of the barn today. Cyril Parsons and a man Sparks [96] here this afternoon and set up a trap station at the head of the farm.

Saturday, June 12, 1937

Weather very hot. Finished the potatoes today and commenced putting in the turnips. Frost warning out for tonight.

Sunday, June 13, 1937

Apart from a small shower this afternoon, weather fine.

Monday, June 14, 1937

Weather fine. Commenced to clean up a strip for fodder, beginning back of Bonia’s working west. The track came off the tractor this morning and it was hung up all day.

Tuesday, June 15, 1937

Rained all day. The men stayed home on their steads.

Wednesday, June 16, 1937

Weather fine. Continued the work of clearing. Cecil Adams, Markland accountant arrived today on the Express to give the books the once over. It froze quite a bit last night and a few of the plants above Blue Gulch were caught.

Thursday, June 17, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued same as yesterday. Also put in ½ acre of carrot and ½ of parsnip.

Friday, June 18, 1937

Commenced to work as per usual in the morning but around 8:30 it commenced to rain and it rained steadily all day. School closed yesterday afternoon and Madeline Woodley left for home today by the Express. Nellie Maynard went to Corner Brook to have her leg drained and will be remaining here for another week.

Saturday, June 19, 1937

Weather fine. Ground too heavy for turnips so all hands on the strip north side of road. Mr. Ewbank [97] and Mr. Dunfield [98] arrived in Pasadena this evening and put off at the siding in the ‘Terra Nova’. Mr Dunfield came in after tea, gave the place once over, talked business, and spend the night at the ‘staff house’.

Sunday, June 20, 1937

Weather fine. Mr. & Mrs. Ewbank came in this morning and inspected the place. Jack invited out to the ‘Terra Nova’ to dinner. They left by #2 Express this afternoon. Both Mr. Ewbank and Mr. Dunfield were very much impressed.

Monday, June 21, 1937

Last day of year one for Midland. Weather very fine. Continued putting in the turnip seed and the rest of the men in the ‘oat strip’. Last night a baby boy was born to Mrs. Absalom Warren.

Midland Turns One!

Tuesday, June 22, 1937

Weather threatening all day but it passed away. Finished outing in the turnip seed. Commenced ploughing the ‘oat strip’ today. Also commenced to finish our road from the highroad. We have decided to ran it straight in line with the road going through Mr. Earle’s property.

Wednesday, June 23, 1937

Weather very warm and sultry. Continued work on the road. Commenced to broadcast to oats of the strip of land commencing from back of the store. Also commenced to fence off lower corner of potato field. Billy Dawe dropped in this morning to discuss the school with us. L. Haynes was him.

Thursday, June 24, 1937

Weather a little cool. Finished the strip of oats today. Commenced to transplant the cabbage in the large lot. Finished cutting out our new road and ran a fence from it to road passing through Earle’s land. Aubrey Bonnell quit the store today to go to work on the highroad. Practically all the young fellows in the settlement have now received work outside. Dawe and Haynes stayed with us last night and worked on the plans all day today.

Friday, June 25, 1937

Weather fine. Commenced to pull the stumps off the road today and to build a pound for the horses back of the mill. Also continued to transplant the cabbage.

Saturday, June 26, 1937

Weather very hot. Put in about a barrel of seed potatoes in small pieces of land which was left in the bottom of the clearing back of the barn. Finished the horses’ pound, the road, and fenced off the front of the large plot opposite the mill. Quit work at 12 and gave the men Monday and Tuesday off – they sure need it. Red letter day for 6 little girls [99] who took their first communion this morning.

Sunday, June 27, 1937

Weather very hot, Nellie Maynard left by Express today.  Rev. Lodger [100] here this weekend. Two christening took place – Ada Foote and Malcolm Warren.

Monday, June 28, 1937

Weather very hot and sultry all day. Threatening to rain but no go. The cabbage is just about ruined. A good thing the men are off today as it would be just about impossible to do any work.

Tuesday, June 29, 1937

Weather practically as hot as it was yesterday, Rain still threatening but did not commence until 7:45.

Wednesday, June 30, 1937

Rained some last night and today warm and sultry. Commenced the summer’s operations land clearing. The men are in groups as follows: back of Albert Antle’s with horses, back of Harvey French’s with tractor, back of Charlie Bonnell’s with horses, back of Joe Wagg’s with horse and back of Wes Foote’s. Mrs. King, mother-in-law of Jim King arrived yesterday on the Express. Wes Foote and Pat Bennett commenced this afternoon to fix up the mill for sawing which we propose to do so very shortly.

July 1937

Thursday, July 1, 1937

Nothing new.

Friday, July 2, 1937

Roy left for holidays today.

Saturday, July 3, 1937

Same. Tractor only worked ½ day.

Sunday, July 4, 1937

No entry.

Monday, July 5, 1937

Started Tom Hillier’s cellar this afternoon.

Tuesday, July 6, 1937

Same. Started Andy Whiffin’s cellar this afternoon.

Wednesday, July 7, 1937

Rained all night. Heavy thunder. Raining today.

Thursday, July 8, 1937

No entry.

Friday, July 9, 1937

No entry.

Saturday, July 10, 1937

Mrs. Antle gave birth to a baby girl today.

Sunday, July 11, 1937

So cool had to have furnace on. Harvey Shave [101] was here and had lunch with us.

Monday, July 12, 1937

No entry.

Tuesday, July 13, 1937

No entry.

Wednesday, July 14, 1937

No entry.

Thursday, July 15, 1937

No entry.

Friday, July 16, 1937

No entry.

Saturday, July 17, 1937

No entry.

Sunday, July 18, 1937

No entry.

Monday, July 19, 1937

No entry.

Tuesday, July 20, 1937

No entry.

Wednesday, July 21, 1937

No entry.

Thursday, July 22, 1937

No entry.

Friday, July 23, 1937

No entry.

Saturday, July 24, 1937

Returned from St. John’s on yesterday’s Express. The weather for the past three weeks has been mostly fine and the crops are as good as could be expected but they need the rain very badly now. The tractor is clearing up the strip of land above Blue Gulch and is now back of Charl. Ross. The rest of the men are digging cellars, thinning out the turnips, and digging a ditch to drain off the swamp commencing back of Wes Foote’s house, leading down the road, below Joe Wagg’s house, and there down to Young’s Brook. Ki King went to Corner Brook yesterday to have his teeth attended to. He returned this evening on the work train.

Sunday, July 25, 1937

Threatened to rain all day but cleared off around 5 o’clock. Dr. Stick (dentist) came up from Corner Brook on the Express and spent a busy few hours extracting teeth. He returned on the work train.

Monday, July 26, 1937

Weather very hot all day. Continued thinning out the turnips. Martin, Foote, Hodder and Antle are home sick as a result of having their teeth pulled yesterday evening.

Tuesday, July 27, 1937

Weather sultry and warm. Threatened to rain all day. Work same as usual. Finished weeding the turnips.

Wednesday, July 28, 1937

Weather warm and sultry. Had a couple of small showers during the day. Commenced to dig more cellars today.

Thursday, July 29, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued as usual. A Mr. Peart, visitor from North England (interested in buying a piece of land in this locality) spent the day with us.

Friday, July 30, 1937

Weather still hot and dry. Work as usual. Mrs. Piercey and Mrs. Harvey French went to Corner Brook to consult the doctor. Peter Bonia brought Sadie down to see Dr. Stick. She had her teeth extracted last Sunday and have been bleeding practically ever since.

Saturday, July 31, 1937

Weather hot and dry. Work same as usual. Charlie Ross brought his little girl down to C. Brook hospital to consult the doctor. Jack brought the tractor to South Brook to be overhauled. Mr. Warsaw was not there. He saw Mr. Lodge and as Mr. Lodge did not feel like taking it on, Jack brought the tractor back.

August 1937

Sunday, August 1, 1937

Weather very fine. Max and Nellie Feaver went to St. John’s.

Monday, August 2, 1937

Weather fine but dull all day. Did not work tractor today. Joe Whelan spent the day overhauling it. All the men on their cellars. Sadie Bonia and Charlie Ross’s little girl remained at the hospital under observation.

Tuesday, August 3, 1937

Weather showery all day. The crops can stand a great deal more of it. The men worked on their cellars inbetween showers. Spread 6 sacks of nitrate of sode and 2 sacks of 4-8-7 on the fodder patch today. Also got Charlie Bonnell and Andy to trench up the last few riws if potatoes at the foot of the field. Wes to S. Brook to consult Warsaw re the overhauling of our tractor. The matter has been arranged by those of authority in St. John’s.

Wednesday, August 4, 1937

Weather very hot. Work same as usual. Borrowed at — tractor from the highroads this morning and commenced clearing with it after tea. Wes expecting Selby Parsons (the auditor). Received a wire that he would be here Friday.

Thursday, August 5, 1937

Weather very sultry. Commenced to hoe up the turnips again and weed the other vegetables.

Friday, August 6, 1937

Had quite a thunder storm last night. The rain sure was needed. Weather threatening all day but we did not get any rain. Work the same as yesterday. Selby Parsons and [102]Fred Smallwood arrived on the #1 Express to audit the books which are, by the way, in St. Johns’. Jos French left on #2 Express for Winterton to visit his sick sister.

Saturday, August 7, 1937

Weather very hot. Concentrated work on the turnips

Sunday, August 8, 1937

Weather very hot reaching 98 in the shade. All hands went across the lake.

Monday, August 9, 1937

Weather very hot. Went to 98 in the shade in Pasadena. Work continued on the cellars as usual. Around 10:30 lost a nut off tractor. Sent the men on their cellars and Joe and Charlie spent the rest of the day overhauling the tractor. Parsons and Smallwood left last night for Corner Brook where they will take the Flyer for Lourdes. Jack also went to C. Brook on business.

Tuesday, August 10, 1937

Weather fine. Work as usual. Jack returned this evening on a freight.

Wednesday, August 11, 1937

Rained somewhat last night but weather fine today. Ben Hodder and Joe Wagg commenced to paint the teachers house.

Thursday, August 12, 1937

Weather fine. Work continued same as yesterday.

Friday, August 13, 1937

Weather hot, work same as yesterday. Tractor parts arrived on the Express today. Jos French also returned. Selby Parsons and Fred Smallwood returned on #2 Express

Saturday, August 14, 1937

Weather hot, work as usual.

Sunday, August 15, 1937

Weather fine but a little cooler. Selby Parsons left by #2 Express for St. John’s

Monday, August 16, 1937

Weather a bit dull. Put 4 men thinning out turnips. The rest carried on as usual. Joe and Ben finished the teacher’s house. Charlie commenced to shoe the horses. Shod one for Mr. Earle.

Tuesday, August 17, 1937

Cellars now being finished off. Placed 13 men on the turnips and finished them. Weather fine. Laid out work for all available men to recommence land clearing.

Wednesday, August 18, 1937

Weather fine. Recommenced land clearing as planned. Put Ki and Peter in the school house to fix up desks, etc.

Thursday, August 19, 1937

Weather dull. Work continued as yesterday.

Friday, August 20, 1937

Rained this morning and worked only ½ day. The work being as usual. Fred Smallwood finished up here today and left for home on #2 Express. Jacky also left on the Express having decided to take his holidays. Joe brought back the tractor from South Brook this evening.

Saturday, August 21, 1937

Weather fine. Usual work continued. Joe recontinued clearing back of Billy Walsh’s. ½ ton of nitrate of soda came today. Commenced to put it on the turnip.

Sunday, August 22, 1937

Had a quite a shower of rain last night around 9:30. Weather fine but a bit cool today.

Monday, August 23, 1937

Weather a bit dull but cleared off during the day. Finished putting on the nitrate of soda. Work continued as usual.

Tuesday, August 24, 1937

Work as usual. Weather fine.

Wednesday, August 25, 1937

Rained quite a bit last night. Woods too wet to work this morning. Worked after dinner as usual. Tractor finished clearing up above Blue Gulch. Jim Bishop, Mrs. Bishop, Pat Whelan and Mrs. Whelan went to Corner Brook today.

Thursday, August 26, 1937

Rained somewhat last night but we worked all day. Weather turning a little warmer. Tractor commenced back of Joe Wagg’s Jim and Mrs. Bishop returned today. The women finished papering the teacher’s house.

Friday, August 27, 1937

Weather warmer than usual. Work as usual. Finished up at Joe Wagg’s today. Joe Wagg gave out today with bad eyes. The girls scrubbed up the teacher’s house today.

Saturday, August 28, 1937

Weather fine. Worked as usual.

Sunday, August 29, 1937

Weather very warm. Spent the day at Earle’s.

Monday, August 30, 1937

Worked as usual. Finished Pat Bennett’s today.

Tuesday, August 31, 1937

Rained this morning. Continued work this afternoon. Received a telegram from [103]Pauline that she would be here tomorrow on the Express.

September 1937

Wednesday, September 1, 1937

Rained last night. Continued work as usual today. Joe Wagg’s eyesight very bad. Sent him to Corner Brook and had to send Ben Hodder with him. Pauline arrived today. L. Haynes commenced to excavate for the foundation of the school.

Thursday, September 2, 1937

Weather fine. Work as usual. Ben Hodder returned today. Garden Party in South Brook today.

Friday, September 3, 1937

Friday 3th, blessed Friday. Mallie arrived today and surprise – Mary “Let’s get organized”. Weather very sultry. Work as usual. Charlie and Percy finished Percy’s cellar. Doad and [104]At. Came in this evening and of course [105]Ron.

Saturday, September 4, 1937

Rained hard last night and showery today. Worked the tractor for a few hours this afternoon. The rest of the men weeded turnips.

Sunday, September 5, 1937

Weather fine but cool. Jack returned on the Flyer.

Monday, September 6, 1937

Weather fine. Men worked as usual on the land. Percy and Wes worked this evening instead of in the afternoon sawing lumber for the rest of the cellars. Did not saw much and the saw was out of order. Billy Dawe up on the #2 Express yesterday, saw Jack for an hour at two this morning and returned.

Tuesday, September 7, 1937

Weather dull. Worked as usual. Commenced to take up some of the cabbage today. Worked the mill evening. Mary received telegram this evening that she was to go home first chance. School reopened today.

Wednesday, September 8, 1937

Worked as usual on the land this morning but too wet this afternoon. Worked on the vegetables, road at Blue Gulch Brook, and cellar at store. Ran the mill this afternoon as well. First carload of lumber for school arrived this evening.

Thursday, September 9, 1937

Weather threatening but did not rain. Worked as usual on the land and commenced to take up potatoes, turnip, to fill order received from Highroads. [106]Mary and self went to Corner Brook this afternoon to visit her brother [107]Albert.

Friday, September 10, 1937

Had some rain today but did not interfere with the work. The usual work being carried out. Quite a few of the women went to Corner Brook on the Express today to consult the doctor. Self returned from Corner Brook on the #2 Express. Mary continuing to St. John’s. Worked the mill this evening. To date we have taken up 25 brls of turnips, 25 potatoes and 1500 lbs. cabbage. We have decided not to touch any more for the time being as the crops are still growing.

Saturday, September 11, 1937

Weather warm. Usual work carried out. Mrs. Piercey confined to her bed for two weeks. Will home housekeeping.

Sunday, September 12, 1937

Weather very sultry. Water in Blue Gulch fairly warm. Joe Wagg returned from Corner Brook hospital.

Monday, September 13, 1937

Weather fine. Worked as usual. Worked mill in the evening.

Tuesday, September 14, 1937

Weather fine. Worked as usual. Worked mill in the evening.

Wednesday, September 15, 1937

Weather wet this morning. Worked when possible on the land. Commenced to burn today. Joe brought back the tractor this morning but had to return again to have the valves adjusted. He returned this evening.

Thursday, September 16, 1937

Weather dull, everything wet. Worked tractor back Charl. White. The rest of men burning.

Friday, September 17, 1937

Rained all afternoon, worked ½ day only as yesterday.

Saturday, September 18, 1937

Weather showery. Worked in between showers as usual.

Sunday, September 19, 1937

Weather very fine.

Monday, September 20, 1937

Weather dull all morning with rain all afternoon. Had organized everything to commence taking up to vegetables. Could do no work this afternoon. Quite few potatoes were left scattered on the field. Too bad if it freezes.

Tuesday, September 21, 1937

Weather showery all day. The ground is in a frightful condition. Received work from Mr. Manuel today that the Company is placing a car on the siding for a load of vegetables. It is impossible to freight the potatoes as it is too wet. Concentrating on the turnips for the time being. Kavanaugh from the Highroads in today and relieved us of 40 brls of potatoes which were on the ground.

Wednesday, September 22, 1937

Weather fine today but ground very wet, Worked on the turnips this morning then concentrated on the potatoes this afternoon. Joe finished clearing what was cut over at Charl. White’s yesterday. As for the time being there is nothing left for him to pull. Charlie fixed up the breaker plow yesterday and Joe commenced to plough up the ‘fodder field’. Jim Tucker, purchasing agent for the Highroads division at St. John’s, visited us this evening. The Company placed a car on the siding today. Stored about 60 brls. Turnips in the loft work shop.

Thursday, September 23, 1937

Weather very warm. The ground is drying up quickly. Concentrated as many hands as possible on the potatoes. Working until dark. The tractor and horses hauled their first loads this evening after tea.

Friday, September 24, 1937

Weather fine. All hands worked hard at the potatoes and turnips. Working until dark. [108]Albert Walsh and family arrived on the Express today.

Saturday, September 25, 1937

Weather very warm. Finished loading the car at 3 o’clock, 100 brls. Turnips and 100 brls. Potatoes. Picked up all loose turnips and potatoes on the fields and quit work at 5.

Sunday, September 26, 1937

Weather showery all day.

Monday, September 27, 1937

Weather fine through ground very wet after yesterday’s rain. Concreted on the turnips this morning and potatoes after dinner. L. Haynes and [109]Mark commenced to build forms for the foundation of the school.

Tuesday, September 28, 1937

Weather fine. All hands worked on potatoes and turnips.

Wednesday, September 29, 1937

Weather shower all day. Tried to work this afternoon on the potatoes but was forced to give it up. Percy Moulton weighed up all the turnips which were stored and the potatoes. L. Haynes and Mark commenced to build forms for the foundation of the school.

Thursday, September 30, 1937

Weather still shower. Useless to try and do any work.

October 1937

Friday, October 1, 1937

Weather cleared up a bit. Had all hands on the vegetables.

Saturday, October 2, 1937

Showery. All hands home on their steads.

Sunday, October 3, 1937

Beautiful day. First fine day for ages.

Monday, October 4, 1937

No entry.

Tuesday, October 5, 1937

Billy Dawe, with his foreman Bill Pittman and a couple of workers arrived today to commence building the school – we hope.

Wednesday, October 6, 1937

Edgar Baird, Ast. Mgr. Island Timber Co., arrived here today to spend a short visit with us. Dawe went back to Corner Brook today.

Thursday, October 7, 1937

Mr. Earle, plumber from Corner Brook, arrived today to give information on plumbing for teacher’s accts and staff house.

Friday, October 8, 1937

Commenced pouring concrete in the school today. M. Earle went back to Corner Brook on the Express Edgar Baird left also for St. Georges.

Saturday, October 9, 1937

Weather shower all week. Did not get one full day. Worked in between the showers when possible. Managed to get a car of vegetables off the the Co. [110]Stan Foote commenced as a settler today.

Sunday, October 10, 1937

Miserable day. Cold and wet.

Monday, October 11, 1937

Finished the concrete work in the school. Received wire from St. John’s to permitting M. Earle to go ahead with the plumbing. Wired Earle.

Tuesday, October 12, 1937

Could do no work on school this afternoon. Concrete too green & weather miserable. Put the carpenters to work on wood shed for the staff house and Charlie Piercey on brick chimney.

Wednesday, October 13, 1937

Still no work done on the school. The carpenters worked as yesterday afternoon.

Thursday, October 14, 1937

Placed the floor joist of school today. Put Leonard Bonnell and [111]Walter Kirby to work on the ditch to take the pipe line.

Friday, October 15, 1937

Commenced first floor of school.

Saturday, October 16, 1937

Another week dodging the showers. Snowed yesterday afternoon and today. Managed to get off another car to the Co. and a bit of cabbage to Harvey and Co. 200 brls. of wet potatoes now scattered on the ground. Commenced studding up school. Put [112]Fred Cake to work on the ditch.

Sunday, October 17, 1937

Fine day. Billy Dawe, Earle and his helper arrived today

Monday, October 18, 1937

Weather very fine and warm. All hands out working on the vegetables. Commenced taking up the potatoes in the large field today. Earle commenced to place the fixtures in the teacher’s house. Billy Dawe spent most of the day working around the school and then left for Corner Brook.

Tuesday, October 19, 1937

Weather threatening all day but did not rain. All hands worked on the vegetables and worked after tea until 8:30, bagging up potatoes and turnips in the loft of the barn and in the mill.

Wednesday, October 20, 1937

Weather fine, but very sultry. Work continued same as yesterday. Worked until 8:30.

Thursday, October 21, 1937

Weather fine. Usual work continued. Mr. Powell of I.P.&P. Co. visited us today and Rev. [113]Oliver Jackson

Friday, October 22, 1937

Weather fine. Finished loading car for Company today. The vegetables were placed at the siding waiting for a car which was promised to us yesterday. Picked up all potatoes, turnips, etc. and quit community work until Monday.

Saturday, October 23, 1937

All hands home on their steads today to finish taking up their crops. Weather dull and showery.

Sunday, October 24, 1937

Weather cold with some snow.

Monday, October 25, 1937

No Entry

Tuesday, October 26, 1937

Sent tractor to South Brook today to have the tracks adjusted. The plumbers finished up working this evening. Returning to Corner Brook tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 27, 1937

No Entry

Thursday, October 28, 1937

No Entry

Friday, October 29, 1937

Weather fine. Finished taking up potatoes this evening. R. Bethune arrived on #2 Express today and came in this evening to visit us. Received the tractor from South Brook this morning.

Saturday, October 30, 1937

Weather fine. Finished taking up the turnips this morning. Quit work at 12 o’clock. Bethune in for an hour or so this morning. Weather fine all week. All hands worked on the crops finishing up this morning.

Sunday, October 31, 1937

Weather cool.

November 1937

Monday, November 1, 1937

Commenced land clearing again. Recontinued burning back of the steads. The remainder of the cabbage in the Com. Field was taken up and split amongst the settlers. The small turnips were also left at the disposal of the settlers. The tractor worked at Mr. Earle’s land today breaking a new piece of ground which he cleaned up this summer.

Tuesday, November 2, 1937

Just about all hands burning and cutting now on the steads. Tractor commenced to haul in carload of hay. Broke the master pin in one of its tracts and was hung up for the day.

Wednesday, November 3, 1937

Weather showery. All hands burning on the land. When possible Joe continued hauling carload hay this evening.

Thursday, November 4, 1937

Weather fine. Worked as usual. Finished hauling the hay.

Friday, November 5, 1937

Weather very fine. All hands clearing. Tractor commenced to haul stumps at Andy Whiffen’s. Broke master pin in tractor and the safety valve in the starting engine stuck so she is completely fooled up.

Saturday, November 6, 1937

Weather fine. Worked on the land burning until 12. Vic Doucette, late of the Highroads, worked on the tractor to-day but did not fix it.

Sunday, November 7, 1937

Weather dull and very cool. Heavy rain last night. Doucette worked on tractor again this morning.

Monday, November 8, 1937

Snowed a bit last night and weather today cool. Put half the men in the woods cutting firewood for school, store, teacher’s house, etc. The rest home burning. Doucette came back today to make preparations for overhauling tractor. He returned to Deer Lake sometime in afternoon.

Tuesday, November 9, 1937

Weather a bit milder. Doucette with his mechanic returned today. Men worked on as yesterday. I went to S.B. to see about getting some arbalest for the tractor. Mr. Lodge was down the line.

Wednesday, November 10, 1937

Weather fine. All hands burning. Went to South Brook to see about to see about tractor parts. Highroads would have nothing to do with us. Alf Wells from I.P.&P. Co. came in today to Jack re the tractor. Jack went with him to Deer Lake to see Mr. Tipping.

Thursday, November 11, 1937

Weather cool, snowed a bit last night. Put Albert Antle and Charlie White hauling firewood. The rest burning. Knocked Doucette off today. He had the little engine off but still unable to start her.

Friday, November 12, 1937

Albert and Charlie finished hauling the firewood at dinnertime. Weather cool. Jack went to Corner Brook to consult Albert Martin re winter operation. He returned on #2 Express.

Saturday, November 13, 1937

Snowed quite a bit last night. Had intended to put the men cutting firewood. Left them home to burn and gather firewood.

Sunday, November 14, 1937

Weather very fine.

Monday, November 15, 1937

Weather a bit milder with snow last night. All hands home on their own. Jack with Joe and Charlie worked all day on tractor. Got her going around 5 o’clock and drove it back to the shed.

Tuesday, November 16, 1937

Weather threatening to rain this morning but remained dull and mild. Practically all hands home gathering wood and generally cleaning up. Three or four hands cutting firewood.

Wednesday, November 17, 1937

Weather still mild, ½ dozen men or so cutting firewood, the rest home on their own. Jack, with Charlie Bonnell, spent afternoon working on the tractor, Doucette came today but was informed that we do not intend to have anything to do with tractor just at present. Jos French went to Corner Brook, It appears that he has broken one of his ribs.

Thursday, November 18, 1937

Weather miserable. Rained this afternoon. A few of the men cut firewood until dinner time. The rest home on their own.

Friday, November 19, 1937

Raining all day. All hands home.

Saturday, November 20, 1937

Weather dull. All hands working on their own. Jack and Charlie had been working just about all week on the tractor. Sent out to South Brook for a new carbonator. Joe Whelan returned from Corner Brook today.

Sunday, November 21, 1937

Weather dull. Quite a snow shower last night. We (with the teachers) went to Deer Lake last night to see the ‘Automatic Butler’.

Monday, November 22, 1937